Dealing with persistent acne that just won’t go away, no matter how hard you try?
Acne can be a challenging issue for people of all ages and can severely affect a person’s self-esteem, especially in severe cases. However, there are ways to treat even the most stubborn cases of acne.
If you’re wondering how to get rid of the pimples plaguing your skin, you’re in the right place. Here are 5 dermatologist-approved tips for how to get rid of your acne woes.
1. Change Your Diet
One major cause of acne is inflammation, which is often triggered by certain foods. Avoiding these foods, which include refined sugars, chocolate, and fast foods, can reduce acne breakouts. However, if you plan to change your diet to address skin concerns, make sure to consult a dietician first.
Consulting a dietician or nutritionist will make it easier for you to determine which foods, in particular, are causing your acne problems. Cutting even potential acne triggers out of your diet will be challenging, so targeting the foods responsible for your outbreaks will make future meals much more convenient for you.
2. Look for Face Masks with the Right Ingredients
Face masks aren’t just a way to destress – certain options can actually be great for your acne woes. One good way to find the best face mask for acne is to look at the ingredients. Certain ingredients are especially effective in combating acne, and if your face mask has these elements, it will work well in treating your pimples.
Ingredients to look out for include:
- Salicylic acid
- Benzoyl peroxide
- Aloe vera
- Lemon juice
- Witch hazel
3. Wash Your Face Twice a Day
Everyday pollutants are amongst the biggest culprits when it comes to the causes of acne. Just going about your regular day will result in a buildup of dirt, sebum, sweat, and oil on your skin, which will clog your pores.
Clogged and congested pores mean more acne breakouts, which is why washing your face properly and consistently is essential. Ideally, you should wash your face at least twice daily – after work, to get rid of the day’s grime from your face and in the morning so that you can remove the oils that your body releases while you sleep.
Additionally, if you work out during the day, make sure to wash your face thoroughly when you’re done. Even if you don’t have time for a full shower, washing your face is a must if you want to keep your skin acne-free. If you don’t have access to a bathroom in your gym, use body wipes to clean your face instead.
4. Make Sure Your Bed and Phone are Treating Your Skin Right
When you sleep, your face is in constant contact with your bed sheets or pillowcases. Over time, they become full of the same dirt, oil, and bacteria from your face, and staying in constant contact with these can lead to severe breakouts.
This is why it’s essential to change both your pillowcases and bedsheets at least once a week. Depending on the type of skin you have, you may need to change them more frequently – for example, people with oily skin should change them about two to three times a week, as should people who frequently fall asleep with makeup on.
Like your bedsheets and pillowcases, your phone is another surface your face is constantly in contact with during the day. What you may not know is that your phone is one of the dirtiest objects you will be in contact with all day long. Like with your bed linens, constant contact with so many types of bacteria will only lead to further breakouts.
The solution to dirty phones is relatively easy – make sure to wipe your phone screen down with an alcohol wipe at least once daily, and you should be fine. However, if you have particularly sensitive skin, you can consider wiping down your phone screen before and after you put it in contact with your face.
5. Take a Multivitamin
While saying “take a multivitamin” may seem like cliché advice offered for every problem, when it comes to acne breakouts, it’s also true. Skin vitamins can increase your skin’s health and help prevent conditions that would lead to acne breakouts, such are excessive sebum production.
However, before you add a multivitamin to your daily regimen, make sure to do thorough research. There are several medical websites that can serve as starting points for your research. Additionally, you should ideally consult with your dermatologist or another medical care professional before starting with the multivitamins (especially if you are on other medications) to reduce the risk of complications.
While acne and pimples are unsightly, the way they alter your appearance isn’t the only issue that comes along with an acne breakout. For many people, these breakouts are not only inconvenient but painful as well.
If your breakouts are accompanied by severely inflamed skin, use ice to bring the swelling down. Wrap a cube (or a few cubes) of ice in a piece of cloth to form a cold compress, and then apply it to your pimple. Do this a few times a day, making sure only to apply the ice for about 30 seconds at a time. While this won’t act as a magic solution, it should help address the pain and inflammation.
However, if the inflammation refuses to subside, make sure to contact a dermatologist as soon as possible. While inflammatory acne is relatively common, inflammation that will not go down may be indicative of more serious concern.
While it is possible to treat most forms of acne at home, you should also be aware that home treatments are relatively ineffective in some severe cases. If this is the case for you, consider contacting your dermatologist to discuss prescription medication options.
While acne is often regarded as a teenage, hormonal problem, it can cause problems for adults as well. Additionally, whether you’re an adult or a teenager, the self-confidence issues caused by frequent pimple breakouts can sometimes cause lasting damage. If you’re dealing with acne issues, make sure to treat them as soon as possible and consult a medical professional for any concerns that you aren’t able to address on your own.