Infidelity, either emotional or physical, damages relationships seriously and ruins the marriage in the majority of cases. Spouses find it difficult to trust each other again and seek free downloadable divorce papers more often than the working way to fix their marriage.
Study more about the current correlation of infidelity and divorce, the common reasons couples opt for cheating, and other causes that may lead the marriage to failure. Stay educated so that you are ready to get the best possible outcomes of any situation you face.
Infidelity in Marriage
The previous year has been tough for many couples since the infidelity created a real challenge for their marriage. The overall statistics prove that, commonly, men cheated more often than women on their spouses, and 2022 was no exception. Totally, recent surveys display that nearly 20% of married Americans have committed adultery, but not everyone decided to quit the relationships in the aftermath.
Here are some more facts the numbers can prove:
- Women tend to cheat at the age between 18 and 29 more than men, but the highest rate of infidelity for married women is in their 60s, while for men is in their 70s;
- married men are 25% more likely to have one-night stands while married women have a 15% greater tendency to emotional cheating;
- around 20-40% of marriages end up in divorces in the USA, but the last year marked a decline of the stats due to pandemics and isolation;
- people in their 50s and 60s were most likely to terminate their marriage in case of cheating;
- 42% of divorcees have cheated on their spouses more than once;
- more than 50% of currently married Americans would opt for divorce if they found their partners were cheating, while more than 30% would try to fix their relationships somehow.
Divorce after infidelity statistics clarifies that in most cases, Americans decide to quit the marriage when the infidelity occurs. With the divorce stats of 2.9 out of 1,000 in the USA and nearly 28% out of failed marriages due to infidelity, it is possible to calculate the rate of divorces due to infidelity in 2022 for Americans equals 0.8 per 1,000 people
Common Reasons for Infidelity
When looking deeper into cheating divorce statistics, one should realize that infidelity is often a final step that leads to marriage termination. Still, there is a whole story behind it that causes the partners to cheat and ruin their relationships.
Review the top common reasons for married people to commit infidelity:
- anger at the partner (desire to get revenge, for example);
- problems with self-esteem;
- lack of love and emotional connection between spouses;
- poor commitment;
- need for variety (of sexual life, for example);
- neglect from the partner;
- unsatisfied sexual desire;
- specific situation or circumstance.
Generally, married people decide to commit infidelity and bring a possible threat to their marriage since their relationships and marriage are not working properly. Many people even claim that when a spouse commits adultery, another spouse is responsible for it as well.
Infidelity vs. Other Reasons for Divorce
It is also necessary to compare how many relationships end in cheating versus other reasons leading couples to divorce. Importantly, infidelity creates a big share of divorcees but is not the number one reason why Americans decide to quit their marriage. Look at the other causes for divorce in the USA in 2022:
- poor commitment – 73%;
- too much argument – 56%
- infidelity – 55%
- early marriage – 46%
- unmet expectations – 45%
- inequality – 44%
- poor preparation for marriage – 41%
- domestic violence or abuse – 25%.
Many couples name more than one reason for their marriage to come to an end. But cheating is often the leading factor that leads to divorce or causes marital relationships to deteriorate.
Contrasting Numbers
Evidently, not all the Americans who have found out about their partner cheating or have confessed to doing so decide to end their marriage. Every third couple chooses to put their efforts into fixing their marriage either on their own or with the help of the marriage counselor. Yet, the research proves that if the partner has committed adultery once, they are three times more likely to go cheating again than an average spouse. So, if you decide to save your marriage after infidelity, get ready to face similar challenges again.