The Different Treatment Method of Urinary Incontinence

Urinary incontinence or loss of bladder control is a common problem in women, especially after childbirth. It is an embarrassing problem as other times, patients with severe incontinence in Sandy Springs get a sudden urge to urinate but do not get to the toilet in time. Sometimes this condition is mild and is triggered by activities such as coughing, laughing, and sneezing, as they exert pressure on your bladder. Urinary incontinence can affect your quality of life and may result in self-esteem issues. Fortunately, most patients with this condition find relief with simple lifestyle and dietary changes. Below are the different treatment approaches that your specialist may use for this condition.

Treatment for urinary incontinence

The type of treatment used to address your condition depends on the type of incontinence you have and how severe it is. Sometimes treatment focuses on any underlying condition that is responsible for your symptoms. Your doctor first uses conservative measures and may recommend other techniques or methods if you fail to respond to less invasive treatments.

Pelvic floor muscle exercises

Patients with stress incontinence may benefit from Kegel exercises since they focus on strengthening muscles that control urination. You can do this by stopping or holding urine flow for at least five seconds; this helps you contract or tighten the muscles that help you stop urinating. If 5 seconds is too much, you start by holding for 2 seconds as you work up to holding the contractions for at least 10 seconds each time. Do this at least three times every day, as you contract the muscles for a minimum of10 seconds per set. Your pelvic floor physical therapist can help you identify and contract the right muscles if you have any challenges.

Behavioral techniques

  • Visit the toilet at least after every two to four hours instead of waiting for the urge to increase.
  • Train yourself to delay urination when you get the urge to go. To start, you may give yourself 10minutes before passing out urine each time you feel the urge to urinate. Doing so will help you increase the time between toilet trips to at least 2.5 to 3.5 hours.
  • Reduce fluid consumption by cutting back on alcohol and caffeine products to allow you to regain control of your bladder. Losing extra weight and engaging in regular exercise can also improve bladder control.
  • Empty your bladder for the second time a few minutes after passing out urine. Double voiding helps you avoid overflow incontinence by making sure your bladder is empty.


  • Alpha-blockers. These medications can be beneficial to men with urinary incontinence. They work by relaxing the neck muscles and fibers in the prostrate, facilitating the emptying of the bladder.
  • Topical estrogen. Topical estrogen can be in the form of a vaginal patch, ring, or cream. It helps with vaginal dryness by rejuvenating tissues in your vaginal area. The convenience of all is cream, available here, typically applied directly to the vaginal area, allowing for localized and targeted relief.
  • Mirabegron. Your doctor may recommend this medication to relax your bladder muscles which helps your bladder hold more urine. It also helps you empty your bladder less often, reducing the number of trips you make to the toilet.
  • Do not shy away from talking to your doctor about your condition. Reserve a session with yours today at Wildlife Center for treatment to improve your quality of life.