How to Improve Digestion : Our Tips

Digestion is a complex process of converting food into nutrients your body can use. The human digestive system consists of the mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and colon – all of which must work in tandem to break down, absorb and deliver nutrients to the organs. Unfortunately, poor diet, stress, and other lifestyle factors can wreak havoc on your digestive system, causing an increase in acidity, bloating, and discomfort. Unfortunately, these symptoms can often be a sign of a more serious underlying condition – such as irritable bowel syndrome, celiac disease, or even cancer.

Fortunately, there are many ways to improve digestion and relieve your symptoms. From eating a healthy diet rich in fiber to drinking plenty of water to exercising regularly, these simple lifestyle changes will help improve your digestion and feel better overall. You can even try probiotic yogurt, which has been shown to help balance the bacteria in your gut and improve digestion. For detailed tips on how to improve digestion, read on!

1) Eat Fiber

When it comes to digestion, fiber is your friend. It gives food bulk, which helps regulate motility in your gut—in other words, healthy fiber intake means healthy bowel movements. If you’re not getting enough fiber in your diet, ask your doctor if an over-the-counter supplement is right for you.

You can get even more fiber by eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables every day. As a bonus, you’ll likely consume fewer calories overall. But don’t go overboard: Aim for at least five servings per day—the equivalent of two pieces of fruit or three salad cups’ worth of veggies.


2) Consume Probiotics

According to an increasing body of scientific evidence, it appears that intestinal balance plays an important role in overall immune system health, stress resistance, mood regulation, weight control, brain function, mental clarity, and even heart health. And of the best way to maintain a healthy intestinal balance is through probiotics.

Found in both foods and dietary supplements like probiotics offer a number of benefits, including improving digestion and immune function. Probiotics provide good bacteria that support digestive and immune health by keeping your gut microflora balanced. Eating plenty of probiotic-rich foods—such as yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and kimchi—is a great way to promote healthy digestion. Adding a high-quality probiotic supplement can also be beneficial for overall digestive health.

So, stop waiting! Start boosting your belly’s microbiome today with some healthy intestinal flora.


3) Don’t Stress Yourself Out

Your psychology plays a greater role in how you digest your food than you might think. The human brain and stomach connections are linked by something called the gut-brain axis, meaning stress can negatively affect digestion and health and vice versa.

High levels of stress increase activity in your sympathetic nervous system (SNS), causing an overall slowing down of bodily functions. To improve digestion, combat stress with relaxation techniques such as meditation or yoga—or at least take time out during stressful days for a few deep breaths.


4) Get Enough Sleep

Getting enough sleep is extremely important for your overall health and wellbeing. Unfortunately, many of us don’t get as much rest as we need. Experts recommend sleeping 7-9 hours per night, and sometimes more than that is necessary.

When we aren’t getting proper sleep, our stomachs can become upset and stressed, which causes us to feel bloated and causes digestion problems. There are many things you can do to improve your sleep quality, such as making sure your bedroom is dark and peaceful. The last thing you want is for something as simple as lack of sleep to be sabotaging your digestive system!


5) Exercise Intelligently

Moving your body is a must for healthy digestion. A healthy dose of exercise not only helps build stronger muscles and bones but also stimulates digestive processes by improving circulation and encouraging increased blood flow throughout your body. In particular, cardiovascular activity has been shown to promote more frequent bowel movements. 

Exercising regularly also improves muscle tone, which can help reduce bloating caused by air retention in certain parts of your digestive tract. Whatever type of exercise you do—whether it’s a run around your neighborhood or a lifting routine at a gym—go for 30 minutes or more at least five days per week.


In conclusion, there are many ways you can help improve your digestion. You can start by reducing stress in your life and making sure you’re getting adequate sleep and probiotic in your diet. These three changes alone have been shown to have a dramatic impact on gut health.