Are Apples Safe for Dogs to Eat?

When planning out a dog’s diet, a lot of pet owners wonder if they can add fruits to their meals. And since apples are one of the most common fruits around the world, many pet parents wonder if apples are safe for dogs to eat.

Luckily, apples aren’t just safe for dogs, they can also be a tasty and nutritious treat for them! But just like all treats, you need to make sure not to feed them too much and to prepare them properly.

In this guide, we’ll be laying out everything you need to know about feeding apples to your dog, so read on to learn more.

Are Apples Safe for Dogs?

Yes, dogs can eat apples (but not the seeds). Apples are sweet, so dogs enjoy the refreshing snack, and since the fruits are packed with vitamins and other nutrients, they are a great treat for dogs. However, remember that treats should not be your dog’s main food, and should only comprise 10% of your dog’s diet, with the other 90% being their regular and balanced dog food.

Benefits of Apples to Dogs

So, do apples offer any benefits when dogs eat them? The answer to this is a resounding yes, which is why many dog owners have started feeding apples to their dogs. If your dog is suffering from constipation and other issues, apples can be a great way to get its digestive system back on track.

The reason apples benefit your dog’s digestive system is because they are loaded with fiber. Just like how fiber can help balance a human’s digestive system, it can also work wonders for dogs. However, keep in mind that too much of anything is bad, so if you feed your dog too many apples, they might develop diarrhea or digestive trouble because of too much fiber.

Aside from fiber, apples contain tons of antioxidants that are great for dogs. These antioxidants can promote good brain health and prolonged longevity. So, adding apples to your dog’s diet can promote great overall health, especially if fed in the right amounts. Antioxidants can work wonders on a dog’s health and has can also prevent cancer and maintain healthy bones and joints.

Another reason pet owners worldwide feed apples to their dogs is because it’s very accessible. You can find tons of different apple varieties in just about any grocery store out there. And when buying apples for your dog, it’s important to make sure that you buy fresh apples with no added preservatives to ensure that your dog is eating healthy.

Things to Keep in Mind When Feeding Your Dog Apples

As we mentioned earlier, eating too many apples can be bad for your dog. In fact, too much of anything is never good, so always feed them apples in moderation. Remember, apples are high in sugar, which means eating too much of them might lead to obesity and oral health problems.

Additionally, you have to make sure to prepare the apples properly before feeding it to your dog. Only the flesh of the apple should be fed to your dog as the seeds, stem, and core contain trace amounts of cyanide, which can be lethal for dogs and humans. However, stems and cores can only cause damage to your dog if they are fed large amounts, but it’s always best to stay on the safe side and keep the seeds and cores away from your pet.

Another thing to remember is that apples can also be too large and tough for some dogs, especially the stem. If you don’t cut up the apples into more digestible pieces, your dog is at risk of choking, which you should avoid at all costs.

And just like any other food, your dog might actually be allergic to apples. If you notice your dog sneezing, coughing, vomiting, having difficulty breathing, or developing hives after eating apples, that could be a sign that your dog is allergic. And in that case, it’s best to avoid feeding them to your dog.

How to Feed Your Dog Apples

So, now that we’ve stressed the importance of feeding apples to your dogs, here are some crucial tips to keep in mind when feeding apples to your dog:

Buy Fresh Apples

Firstly, you have to make sure you buy good apples for your dogs. When you head to the grocery store, make sure that the apples you choose are fresh and don’t have any preservatives. It’s best to stick to fresh apples as apple sauce and other products may contain added sugar and preservatives, which your dog should stay away from at all costs.

Prep the Apples

After buying the right apples, make sure to take out the stems and seeds before feeding them to your dog. Additionally, you might want to cut the fruit up into smaller pieces to avoid choking hazards.

Start Small

When you start feeding your dog apples, start small. If your dog likes them and doesn’t react badly, then you can slowly start adding more apples to their diet. However, keep in mind that these fruits have a fair amount of sugar so make sure not to feed them too much to avoid causing problems down the line.

And if you’re nervous about introducing new food to your dog’s diet, we highly encourage contacting your dog’s vet first. They will know your dog’s health condition the best and can give you proper recommendations to stay on the safer side of things.