Seven Time Management Tips for Struggling Nail Artists

Time management is one of those things that many people struggle with despite putting effort into improving the skill. 

The issue becomes more apparent when you work a job in which you need to move from one client to the next with barely any time to prepare. Nail artists are a great example of such a profession.

Before you finish with one customer, there is one or more already waiting in line, and they are also someone who cannot wait all day for you to finish.

Struggling to manage time will leave you with even more problems and delays, so it is better to polish that skill and have fewer things to worry about. Below, you will find seven valuable tips to manage your time more efficiently as a struggling nail artist.

Learn to Deal With Interruptions

Interruptions should not be that common, but it is still recommended to know how one deals with them. For example, you may get an unexpected visit from a customer who did not book an appointment in advance, which can escalate into a long conversation and even a conflict.

Another example of disruption is realizing that you do not have your tools or products prepared. Failing to prepare in advance leads to delays, so be sure to avoid such disruptions to your workflow.

Use Automation Tools

Automation tools are a great way to save yourself some time. These days, many people rely on technology to simplify their life, and nail artists should not be an exception.

A mobile app for nail artist needs that can automate scheduling and send reminders to clients will, in addition to saving time, also help you make more money.

Hire Reliable Staff 

If you have more clients than you can realistically handle, consider hiring extra staff. Perhaps you can convince another nail artist to partner up and create a joint venture in which you share the same workspace and even your clients?

Hiring a pair of helping hands is worth a shout as well. Nail artists who also take care of their own accounting might be better off hiring a professional accountant and leaving the work in their hands. 

Avoid Procrastinations

The temptations to procrastinate are quite prominent. These days, many people spend their time on a smartphone even though they should be working. And one of the worst things about it is that it is really easy to lose track of time when you surf through social media and other internet sites.

Procrastinating instead of doing your work will disbalance the schedule and leave you in a position where you struggle to meet deadlines. It might be difficult to fit all of your scheduled customers because you were too distracted.

To make up for the lost time, you may need to resort to multitasking, but keep in mind that if you do that, you risk making mistakes. If a nail artist becomes prone to making errors, it will lead to customers abandoning them and looking for a different salon.

Leave procrastination for when you get home from work or when there is a dedicated break time, and rather focus on your work.

Schedule Tasks in Advance

Planning ahead is a great approach because it can solve a lot of potential problems. Those who have a strict schedule and know what their plan is for the day will have an easier time carrying out the tasks.

Meanwhile, nail artists without a detailed schedule might find themselves acting frantic because there is no structure to their work.

Sure, it is worth mentioning that unexpected disruptions can get in the way of the schedule, but it is still easier to get back on track when you have a plan. 

Whether you can schedule your entire week or a single day in advance is not that important. What matters is that you do it.

Set Priorities

Priorities are another important element of time management. Even if you plan your whole day or a week in advance, you may still find yourself failing to take care of everything because of interruptions and other factors.

If that happens, know what you need to prioritize. Usually, it is client appointments that nail artists focus on first and foremost. Next, you have product and tool management, meetings, discussions with the staff, and so on.

Different artists will have different priorities, and you should be the same. Prioritize things that you believe are worth it the most.

Take Breaks to Relax

Overworking leads to fatigue, which causes you to make mistakes at work. There are days when you are simply too busy and cannot find time to take a break, but such a status quo is not sustainable long-term.

If you have, hire help or cut some of your clients, but make sure that you are not overworking yourself and take regular breaks to relax and recharge your batteries.