The Advantages Of Running Outdoors

The Advantages Of Running Outdoors

The pandemic has forced people to adjust their routines in more ways than one. During quarantine lockdowns, gyms were closed and many fitness lovers were forced to improvise. Nowadays, many indoor gyms are open for business but you may live in an area that only allows you to take off your mask when outdoors—which means you’d need to have one on in the gym. You can replace weight lifting with bodyweight workouts at home, but getting your cardio workout can be difficult indoors. If you’re usually running on the treadmill for your cardio, consider running outdoors. Below are a few advantages of running outdoors. 

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Added Challenge Of The Weather And Terrain

Running can become monotonous on a treadmill, which is why many gyms have TV screens in front of treadmills. But when you’re outdoors, you have the added challenge of the weather to deal with. You may be running in sunny weather this month, and find yourself working through rainy weather the next. After all, that why there are nobull shoes waterproof rated— so you can run in the rain.

Not only does the weather pose a challenge, so does the terrain. Running on a slope is the maximum change you’d get from a treadmill. Outdoors, you may be running on a muddy trail, on paved roads, on grass, and much more. Until you try it, you won’t realize just how different the experience of varying terrain is. This adds more strength to your workout and is beneficial in that it can improve your balance and strengthen your joints. 

You Have To Run (Or Walk) Back

When you’re on a treadmill, it is all too easy to give up on mile 2 even though you planned on running 5 miles. All you have to do is slow down for a few minutes, and turn off the machine. Nothing is forcing you to keep going, so you would need to have the willpower to finish that 5 mile run. On the other hand, when running outdoors, you’re actually moving away from your starting point. If at any point you decide you’ve had enough, you probably still need to get back to your starting point. At the very least, you’d need to walk back. That  may not be the same as running the entire journey, but you’ll have to spend more energy to get back to your car or the entrance to the park you are in. Even so, you might find the motivation to pick up speed on your way back and your walk will turn into a run.

Many people prefer running outdoors for the fresh air and change of scenery that they would get. One of the most basic advantages of running outdoors is that it is entirely free—no subscription necessary. If you haven’t tried it yet, you may want to try it. Don’t worry too much about the weather, just make sure to put on layers so you can easily take one off if you get too hot or cover up if it starts to rain.

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