5 Quick ways to Consume Cannabis

Photo by Kindel Media from Pexels

The cannabis industry has grown exponentially in recent years thanks to its’ legalization in several countries and states. This means that many more people are consuming cannabis than ever before, and the stigma that was once attached to it is fading. Contrary to popular belief, cannabis consumers of today are not people looking to pass time, but instead are high functioning, professional individuals that are constantly on the go. As a result, more consumers are looking for quick and convenient methods of consumption that fit in with their busy lifestyles. There are many products available on the market, and if you’re looking for the right one for you, check out the Daily High Club – they provide a great selection of devices that will make your cannabis experience a real joy. But what are some of the quickest methods of cannabis consumption? Let’s take a look.


Smoking has always been and probably will always be a preferred method of consumption for millions of users. A bong is a water pipe that filters smoke through its water chamber. Unlike the heat from a regular pipe or a joint, the cooler smoke from the bong makes for a better experience as you inhale. Bongs come in a variety of shapes and styles and are the preferred method of consumption for experienced consumers. They are easy to use, and offer an intense and fast high, but do require regular cleaning and maintenance to ensure an optimal experience each time.


Vaping has become extremely popular due to its ease of use, convenience, and discretion. Desktop vaporizers are designed for a laid-back session at your favorite spot, while portable vaporizers can easily be carried on your person, and used for a quick vape anywhere, at any time. These are preferred for this reason and because they do not emit much odor or smoke. The hit is immediate but will differ based on the type of vaporizer that you use, and it helps to assess your need before investing in one so that you’re not disappointed. Most vaporizers are designed for durability, and it is important to invest in a good quality device that is safe to use.


Cannabis edibles are any food item that contains cannabis, and these are not just delicious, but come in a variety of cannabis-infused products that appeal to anyone. This is by far the most discreet method of consumption, and consuming an edible is as simple as popping candy into your mouth. Edibles hit differently, and their effects are not immediate as in vaping or smoking. They offer a slow-release that could take an hour or two to set in, but once the effects hit, it is much more intense and longer-lasting than any other method. This method is extremely common among those seeking pain relief, but the convenience and discretion that they offer make them a favorite for those looking to consume on the go.


Like edibles, tinctures have found fame because of ease of consumption, discretion, and the hit. Tinctures are oil or alcohol-based extracts that can also be infused into food or drinks. Many do prefer to consume them sublingually, meaning that the drops are placed under the tongue. Tinctures provide a slower immediate high than smoking, but one that is quicker than edibles although the effects do not last as long, and are the perfect in-between if smoking or edibles are not for you.


Cannabis has been used medically for centuries, but it was not until recently that cannabis-infused creams and topical ointments became popular methods of pain relief. Many athletes prefer topicals for treatment against pain and inflammation because they do not have the same psychoactive effects as other methods of consumption, but are extremely effective at pain relief. Unlike regular over-the-counter painkillers, topicals are simple to use, convenient, and have no side effects, making them better for your health overall.

Although the use of cannabis is more directed towards a little relaxation, modern times have called for a reinvention of the wheel, and we see many turning to it for its health benefits. Most consumers are looking for methods that are quicker and much more convenient, and, as a result, vaping and edibles have quickly moved up in the ranks. Tinctures however are a rather underutilized method of cannabis consumption, but we’re certain that once consumers get in on the sublingual action, they will become even more popular for those on the go.