Hair loss has become one of the most common problems people face today, and FUE flocking has proven to be an effective solution to this problem. This is a convenient technique used today. In the next section, we’ll see how this procedure works.
What is a Robotic hair transplant transplant?
This is one of the non-stitching techniques in which the transplanted hair follicle unit is embedded in the bald area. The good thing about this procedure is that it gives the best results in terms of the density of hair obtained and reduces the possibility of scarring. This method is especially useful in the case of pattern alopecia, which is technically known as androgenic alopecia.
Transplant procedure
The Robotic hair transplant procedure is performed under local anesthesia and the surgeon begins by extracting the hair follicle unit from the donor area. These implants are retained in the retention solution until the recipient region is prepared. The final step consists of transplanting these extracted follicles to create a hairline in consultation with the patient.
After transplant
After completing the FUE flocking procedure, the patient will be provided with the necessary instructions for everything from exercise to shower. Patients will be provided with topical medications as well as antibiotics and mild analgesics as needed.
Wounds tend to disappear within 7 days after surgery, and scabs fall off in about 14 days. The hair removal process continues until the 8th week, new hair growth begins in about 4 months and most results are achieved by the 12th month. Hair growth lasts up to 18 months, by which time new hair becomes thicker and mixes perfectly with the hair in the area.
Who are good candidates for a transplant?
The ideal candidate for this treatment, which uses only hair, is one who has not completely depleted the donor’s hair in the scalp area. However, it is also possible to make hair for transplantation in case the hair on the scalp is not enough to carry out the treatment procedure.
Possible complications
The good thing about follicular unit extraction is that it is a minimally invasive technique and is completely safe to use. After being instructed by your doctor for pre-and post-operative care, you can further reduce your risk. There are several complication risks that depend on factors such as:
1) Patient’s physiological function
2) Treatment by an unlicensed doctor
3) Use of defective mechanical or robotic technology that does not produce the desired results.
Poor candidate for the procedure
Porting is not suitable for the following situations:
a) Insufficient supply of quality hair, hair, and beard.
b) For example, young patients under the age of 24 are relatively contraindicated. The reason is that young people with the pattern of alopecia are still bald and transplantation has not proven effective in such situations.
c) For curly follicles, such as African offspring, test procedures should be performed to see if they are suitable for treatment.
d) A person suffering from scar enlargement, which represents an abnormal tendency for scarring.
e) Patients with abnormal coagulation.