How PRP Therapy Promotes Hair Growth

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PRP Therapy can be used for hair restoration, such as when hair loss has been caused by alopecia, burns, or chemotherapy. It is a safe procedure where platelet-rich plasma is injected into the areas of the scalp where there are hairs to be restored. In PRP Therapy patients, it induces follicles production and re-growth of your hairs. There are several ways PRP can generate new hair growth by stimulating follicle cells and enlarging existing hair pores so they can absorb more nutrients from surrounding tissue. Gro PRP Treatment Clinics are one of the leading providers of this therapy.

What is Platelet Rich Plasma?

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is blood plasma that contains a high concentration of platelets and cytokines. These are tiny cell fragments and proteins involved in the healing process. PRP therapy involves taking your autologous (self) blood sample and spinning the collected blood to separate out the platelets from the rest of the blood. The remaining solution is then injected into areas on your head that are in need of repair or rejuvenation.

How PRP Promotes Hair Growth

The most important growth factors and cytokines found in PRP include:

FGF-2 – also known as fibroblast growth factor 2, is a protein involved with hair growth, wound healing, and tissue regeneration. It’s a protein involved with hair growth, wound healing, and tissue regeneration.

VEGF – also known as a vascular endothelial growth factor. This protein is closely linked to angiogenesis (the development of new blood vessels). It can help stop hair loss and promote the regrowth of scalp hair.

TGF – cell-stimulating factors are a group of proteins that activate the body’s immune system and play an important role in wound healing. TGF is involved in hair follicle development, skin tissue regeneration, and angiogenesis (the development of new blood vessels).

IL-18 – also known as interleukin-18. This cytokine is known to play an important role in wound healing and hair growth.

All of these compounds work together in the body to promote the production of stem cells, which are some of the most powerful cells. Stem cells are capable of building new blood vessels, as well as helping damaged hair follicles regrow normal hair.

Improved Blood Circulation

In addition to stimulating new hair growth, PRP therapy is also believed to improve blood circulation and the regeneration of hair follicles. The injection of PRP into the scalp has been shown to increase blood flow and encourage the production of new cells in head and face areas. It’s thought that cells from the blood are transported through the body via lymphatic channels, which reintroduce them back into damaged tissue where they can be used for repair.

This could potentially help hair loss sufferers who suffer from dryness and inflammation. The increased blood flow and improved circulation within the scalp is thought to increase oxygenation levels and prevent damage caused by hairdryers, hot tools, and blow dryers.

Hair Loss Conditions That  Can Be Treated With PRP Therapy

Although there are still a lot of unknowns about PRP therapy, it appears to be an effective hair loss treatment for many people. It’s being used to treat a variety of different hair loss and scalp conditions, including:

Androgenetic Alopecia (Male Pattern Baldness) – In recent years, there has been a lot of debate about whether PRP therapy works for male pattern baldness. Many studies have shown that this form of treatment can be effective when used in conjunction with other available treatments. However, many people have found that PRP is a standalone treatment that helps boost hair growth and increase the length and thickness of the hair shafts.

Alopecia Areata – PRP therapy is also commonly used to treat alopecia areata. Many people who have suffered from this condition, which is caused by an autoimmune disorder, have found that PRP has helped restore their hair growth and allowed them to regrow their hair.

Telogen Effluvium – This form of hair loss is caused by damage or stress on the scalp and results in the disruption of natural hair growth cycles. PRP therapy can help stimulate dormant hair follicles and encourage new hair growth.

Hair Thinning – Some people have found that PRP therapy has helped slow down the rate at which they start to lose their hair, as well as encouraging existing hairs to grow to a greater length.

Wound Healing – PRP therapy is also being used to speed up the healing process of both chronic and minor wounds. It’s been shown that the transplantation of small amounts of this therapy into damaged areas in the body can promote faster healing and forming new tissue.