8 Signs Your Vanity Could Do With a Replacement

Bathrooms serve a vital role in any household. However, this room doesn’t need to appear functional. Homeowners find they can update the room and make it a place people enjoy visiting rather than one they avoid unless it is necessary. As people spend a significant amount of time in this room, it should be visually appealing as well as functional. The vanity plays a key role in whether the room achieves this goal.

Furthermore, remodeling the bathroom pays off when the time comes to sell the residence. Experts report remodeling the bathroom provides a 64 to 68 percent return on investment. This room can mean the difference between a home sitting on the market for an extended period or selling within days of going on the market. How can a person know when they need to remodel their bathroom? What signs should they be looking for? What upgrades do people look for when exploring a home?


Any presence of mold in a bathroom requires immediate attention. A failure to handle the problem as soon as the homeowner detects it could lead to the problem spreading. Vanities often develop mildew, as the home’s occupants use them daily and they get wet from the water pouring out of the taps. This doesn’t mean the person can ignore it. Mold may lead to respiratory issues for those living in the home, particularly the elderly, very young, and immunocompromised. Mold and mildew in the bathroom can trigger asthma and allergies.

Mold will damage the vanity if left untreated. People often turn to specialized sprays to address the issue. However, any moisture coming from the sink could cause the problem to reappear quickly. The homeowner may find they must turn to UniqueVanities.com for a replacement in this situation.


An outdated vanity detracts from the entire appearance of the bathroom. A bathroom that has not been remodeled in decades mars the beauty of the entire home. Nobody wants to walk into a modern residence only to find a bathroom that looks like it remains in the seventies era. Although the bathroom isn’t a focal point of the home, you cannot overlook it when you are renovating the residence. A failure to update it makes your efforts in the other rooms appear wasted, and people may find they must enter this room when they visit. Make sure their time spent in the bathroom is enjoyable.

Plumbing Issues

Never ignore bathroom plumbing issues. The home needs a functioning bathroom if it is to be inhabitable. When the sink clogs, the residents of the home and guests cannot wash their hands. This may lead to hygiene issues or health problems. Furthermore, people cannot brush their teeth if the sink isn’t usable. Plumbing problems disrupt daily life and need attention right away. If the sink is clogged, leaking, or stopped up, call a plumber to have the problem fixed before it leads to more costly issues.

Rusty Pipes

Discolored or strange-tasting water flowing from the faucets in the home is a sign of rusty pipes or another pipe issue. Homes built before 1950 often have lead pipes. These pipes may lead to lead poisoning. Small amounts of lead can lead to serious health issues over time, and children are most susceptible to these health issues. The lead may significantly affect their mental and physical development, and high levels of lead in the human body can lead to death.

When replacing the pipes, consider updating the vanity as well. Although this isn’t necessary, doing both at the same time minimizes the disruption to the family. When the project is complete, you’ll have water this is safe to drink and a beautiful sink and vanity combination to uplift your spirits.

Vanity is Too Small

When the bathroom was originally built, the vanity was likely sized appropriately. However, as time passed, it may become too small for the needs of the home’s occupants. This might happen when a person gets married and they have to share counter space with the spouse. Once children arrive, the vanity may no longer be big enough to accommodate the items they require as part of their grooming routine. When the vanity is too small, clutter becomes an issue. Items may get knocked off or misplaced when someone moves them.

Vanity is Too Big

On the other hand, the vanity may be bigger than the home’s occupants need, and it takes up valuable space in the bathroom. When this is the case, consider replacing it with a smaller vanity. This frees up space in one of the smaller rooms in the home.

Visible Damage

As vanities get a great deal of use every day, the time will come when you see the damage. This may be from placing hot hair appliances on the counter or water damage resulting from a leak that went undetected for a period. When the vanity has a crack, however, it must be repaired or replaced immediately to prevent additional damage. The same holds when the vanity deteriorates, as it could lead to damage to the flooring in the room or other appliances. At times, it makes more sense to replace the vanity rather than repairing it, as the cost of the repair is more than the vanity is worth.

Storage Space is Lacking

Certain vanities come with very little storage space, and this can become an issue. If you find you don’t have the storage you need to keep the bathroom clean and uncluttered, it may be time for a new vanity. Newer models come with shelves, drawers, cabinets, or other features that will benefit you in keeping the room neat and organized. Combine this new vanity with other storage options for a room you love because everything has a home.

Bathrooms get a significant amount of use. As the global pandemic showed people across the globe, living in close quarters can be challenging. When all family members are home, problems within the home become more apparent. If your bathroom was a constant source of fights during this troublesome time, considering remodeling it. Doing so will keep peace in the house, which is something you cannot put a price on today.