What Are the Health Benefits and Risks of Cannabis?

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Cannabis is one of the most widely used drugs across the world. It is consumed not only recreationally but also medically for various health conditions. With a growing number of states in North America and Europe legalizing cannabis usage and medicinal marijuana becoming more popular, there has been an increase in public curiosity about its potential health benefits. In fact, DigiDrs / online medical marijuana cards in Oklahoma are focused on helping patients obtain their medical marijuana recommendations from the comfort of their own homes. Below are some of the health benefits of cannabis.

Fight Cancer

A study was performed to test the benefits of cannabis on cancer patients. The study was conducted on rats and mice with prostate cancer. “The researchers found that both non-psychoactive CBD (Cannabidiol) and psychoactive THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) reduced cell proliferation, invasion, and metastasis in different ways. The best results were obtained when both compounds were combined.” This shows that cannabis could be a great aid for fighting cancer.

Relief of Chronic Pain

Medical cannabis can be used as a painkiller. At least two different chemicals in the marijuana plant are known to possess analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. These chemicals are THC and CBD, and they have been shown to effectively treat many different types of pain like Arthritis which is a chronic joint inflammation that can be extremely painful. Marijuana has been shown to reduce the pain associated with arthritis and slow down the destruction of joints that occurs with the disease. If you are looking to buy marijuana seeds online, then you can buy them from Pacific Seed Bank to get high-quality marijuana seeds that can be a viable alternative to prescription medication for pain relief.

Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety disorders, such as generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), social anxiety disorder (SAD), and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), are psychological conditions characterized by prolonged feelings of anxiety. Studies have shown that people suffering from anxiety disorders and depression experience significant improvements after using cannabis or inhaling it over a period of time. If you’re planning to grow cannabis yourself you can keep costs down and learn more about the plant itself. Something so good at creating relief for anxiety should be studied!

Cannabis also has some serious risks that should be understood before considering it a  medical treatment or recreational option. Here are some risks of cannabis.

Impairment of Judgment

Cannabis use has been shown to affect a person’s ability to make sound decisions. Studies show that heavy marijuana users took more risks and took more chances when driving a car than non-users. Whether it’s something like investing in stocks, buying a house, or selling an old computer, it takes people much longer to make an intelligent decision about whether or not they should do it because of their altered mental state while under the influence of marijuana.

Memory Loss

This probably isn’t too surprising, considering that marijuana affects cognition and short-term memory. However, studies conducted on long-term use of cannabis showed that chronic users had much worse verbal memory and performed worse on learning tests than non-users. So if you plan on using marijuana long-term, or even sporadically, it’s a good idea to keep your mind as sharp as possible by engaging in mentally challenging activities.

Gum Disease

One study conducted in Europe found that people who used marijuana regularly had significantly worse gum disease than non-users. The study was fairly small (consisting of only 24 participants), but it showed that THC, the main psychoactive ingredient in cannabis, can damage the gums and teeth when exposed to it regularly. So if you smoke Cannabis regularly, be sure to brush and floss well and get regular appointments at the dentist.

Health Problems in Children

Studies have shown that marijuana has negative effects on the embryo when it is being formed, which can be fatal or result in birth defects if it is not detected early enough. Other studies had shown that the offspring of mothers who smoked marijuana when they were pregnant are more likely to have ADHD and other learning problems. While marijuana doesn’t necessarily cause these health problems, it does make them much more likely to 

Heart Problems

It’s no secret that marijuana can increase the heart rate, but one study showed that it has the potential to damage the heart. Cannabis users had an increased risk of high blood pressure and aortic stiffness compared to non-users. It’s unclear whether or not there is any long-term effect on the cardiovascular system, but it’s something to be aware of.

Hopefully, you’ll now have a better idea of the short and long-term effects of Cannabis. Keep in mind that this is an extremely brief overview of the health benefits and risks, but there are still many other factors to consider. If you plan on using Cannabis for medical purposes, always remember to get your doctor’s approval before doing so and check online dispensary Canada. Also, don’t forget that cannabis can be very addictive for some people and can also lead to withdrawal symptoms when used in large doses.