How to Organize an Efficient Studying Place?

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As currently most of the classes are held at home, it is necessary to organize a comfortable study place for the homeschooler. The right furniture and accessories help your child to be productive and motivated. Check out designer tips on how to create a comfortable study space at home.

Tips for organizing a student’s place of study

If you do not have a strictly imposed place in which the territory should be organized for study, then start by analyzing the location of the table in terms of the possibility of isolation from the rest of the household and good natural light. The location of your home study space in relation to the level of sunlight is very important.  In addition to deciding on an ideal location for your home study space, provides a great option for custom college papers if you have no time or resources to write them yourself.

1. Assist, but don’t do it yourself

The main rule: the student must create a study place by themselves. Choose everything with them, advise how to make it better and more convenient, but do not decide for the child. Consider their interests and age. Then they will sit down to study with positive emotions, and this is a guarantee of high-quality knowledge.

2. Find the right chair and table

School desks are made according to standards, at home parents need to take care of the height of the table and chair, the angle of the backrest and other nuances.

At an uncomfortable table and chair, not only does your back get tired, but it is difficult to concentrate on your studies. The table should be of such a height that the child does not hunch over, and his elbows stand freely on the tabletop. To find a perfect chair, ask your child to sit on it. Keep their knees at right angles and their feet flat on the floor. At NY Furniture Outlets, you can even find furniture with an adjustable system – it can be matched to the child and it will “grow” together with the student.

3. Pay attention to the color scheme of the study place

Primary school children can find it difficult to concentrate, so detail and color can help them focus on their studies. Colors that are too bright will be distracting, while grays will be boring. The optimal choice is beige and pastel shades with bright accessories. A colored lamp or a pencil holder will cheer up and inspire creativity. This color scheme is also suitable for high school students.

4. Take care of the lighting 

Proper lighting will help preserve the person’s vision. It is best to place the desktop by the window or next to it for natural light. But you still need a lamp. It should be on the left for a right-hander and on the right for a left-hander. The recommended power is up to 80 W, and its light should be soft. To do this, you can pick up a lampshade.

5. Set up a computer

No schoolchildren can study without a computer. Help your child set up the computer so that they can use it easily: connect high-speed internet and antivirus, purchase a headset. Then the homeschooler will be able to watch video lessons, look for answers to questions and fully engage in an online school. Students can join live webinars. Past lessons can also be viewed in the recording. This is convenient because you can pause, rewind, speed up, or slow down playback.

6. Place key information closely

Even walls can be used for the studying process. You can hang posters, formulas and foreign words above the table or next to it. The child will constantly see them and memorize them at will. Alternatively, hang up motivational posters that will inspire the kid to take classes.

The homeschooler also needs a magnetic or chalkboard for planning purposes. On the board, you can keep a schedule or sort out individual topics.

7. Provide a place to store office supplies and books

A cluttered desk is a minus to productivity. It is good if the table has a locker and drawers for storing things necessary for study: books, paper, office supplies, notebooks and others. The child should easily and quickly find everything they need. The shelves above the additional bedside table or rack will help to put things in order.

A properly organized study place will preserve health, help in studies, and will serve for a long time. It is important to create a place where the child will want to study. It will help teach self-reliance and neatness and will become a personal corner for mental and creative decisions.

8. Hide from the sun

Strong southerly and westerly light is especially heavy during the summer months as it warms up the workspace at home, making the studying process much more difficult. Best of all, if you put the table on the north or east side, then the diffused light will help in the work. If you have the opportunity, then put the table close to the window, since in daylight the eyes are the least tired, and at the same time, when working on a computer, it is good to take eyes off the monitor from time to time, watching the street.

It is very important to correctly position the table in relation to the window. A person doesn’t have to sit with their back to the window because they will block out the light, and in addition, reflections in the computer monitor will interfere with their work.

9. Monitor location

The monitor should be located at the side of the window at a distance of at least 3 ft, and the minimum proximity of a working person to the screen should be 15-30 inches. However, if the tabletop is parallel to the window, then you should take care of the appropriate curtains or blinds that limit too harsh sunlight that strains the eyes. If the studying is mostly in the evening, keep in mind good supplemental lighting, for which you should apply the same principles as natural light.

10. The unfavorable location of the table under the window

Positioning the table when sitting facing the window may look pretty, being the only possible setting in the room, but in feng shui there is no wall support, rooting. It is best not to place the table this way. Even if it is irrational, in this position you may not feel safe enough knowing that someone might sneak up unnoticed. Confidentiality in this option is always at risk. This feeling of discomfort, even if the reasons for it are not recognized, can affect the work and its results. If you turn the table 90 degrees, covering the wall, you will feel more comfortable. The table diagonally to the door – this setting may not be pleasant for comfortable work, although it looks quite attractive. It is better not to have a work desk in the bedroom. You are mixing the function of rest, that is, health with work. This should only be done in critical cases, when you have no room at all.

11. How do I set up a desk for multiple users?

When setting up tables for several students, it is worth considering not only their location relative to the light and the door, but also in terms of interpersonal relationships. It is an unfavorable situation when people are forced to sit back to back. On the other hand, if they are sitting face to face, the distance should be at least 50 inches. 

Placing the table directly next to the window has its advantages. You can take a break from work or study to watch the street. If there is a lot of greenery in the yard, then the landscape looks simply irresistible. 

An additional advantage of the window is the ability to ventilate the room. Bringing fresh air into the room helps students stay focused and rejuvenate. You can also equip the study place with an air purifier.