Is the Use of Hemp Products Healthy?

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Many misconceptions and myths are surrounding the use of hemp. Students in higher institutions are known to be frequent users. Some claim that hemp helps them better understand while others, the use of hemp has eroded their brain cells and memory capability. Sadly, most university students become addicted. Many cases have been reported of young people having early deaths. It is never advisable to mix the use of hemp with other hard drugs.

Fortunately, some states allow the bhang plantations for the betterment of medical practice. Hemp cigarettes from Oklahoma Smokes are known for their medicinal value, such as relieving anxiety attacks. Countries that allow the growing of hemp cigarettes have websites that show CBD cigarettes near me. Hemp trees are grown, and their seeds are harvested then prerolled for sale. Hemp is said to ease the addiction to cigarette smoking. The use of bhang is not advocated for all. However, there are some benefits.

  • It offers protection against pain.
  • It relieves muscle spasms.
  • It reduces the number of seizures experienced.
  • It prevents the feeling of nausea and vomiting. 

It is important to familiarize oneself with the use of hemp products before indulging in them. During certain life stages, hemp is prohibited, pregnancy and nursing, adolescence, and childhood. Other benefits that hemp products offer to include;

High nutritious value

Hemp seeds are a source of minerals such as potassium, calcium, phosphorous, and iron. In China, hemp seeds have been used for over 3000 years for food and medicine. Hemp seeds also have high quantities of protein and vitamin E. They can be cooked, roasted, or consumed raw. A lot of people don’t know about the benefits of hemp products, questions are being asked about its usage, and is hemp marijuana?

A cure for skin disorders

The good news for women, research has shown that hemp oil can reduce skin medication. Patients with eczema have shown improvement in blood circulation after the use of hemp oil seeds. Additionally, hemp oil seeds improve itchiness and relieve dry skin. 

Reduce symptoms of menopause and PMS

Hemp seeds have GLA (Gamma-linolenic acid), which produces prostaglandin, a hormone that reduces prolactin effects. Prolactin hormones cause sensitivity to women, such as tenderness in the breast, pain, fluid retention, and depression. Hemp seeds play a huge role in reducing menopause symptoms. 

Aid indigestion

As we are all aware, fiber is an important part of the everyday diet. Whole hemp seeds contain high amounts of soluble and insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber regulates cholesterol levels and reduces spikes in blood sugar. Insoluble fiber helps food to pass properly through your gut and reduces the risk of diabetes. 

Hemp seeds are incredibly healthy and are a staple food in many societies. However, an active compound is found in the shell of hemp seeds that people dependent on marijuana are advised not to indulge. Similar to a coin, the use of hemp has two sides. There are unsaid truths one can imply to overcome the bhang hangover.

  • Avoid consuming hemp on an empty stomach. Eat fiber-rich foods such as fruits and greens before taking hemp. 
  • Don’t mix bhang with alcohol or hemp. Moreover, a mixture of drugs may harm your body. Also, if one is on prescriptions, a consultation with the physician is important before taking hemp.
  • Have a hot water bath. Hot water helps in reducing the effects of cannabis, especially if it’s the first time and excessive vomiting.
  • Drink a lot of lemon water. Water flushes out toxins from the body. 
  • Don’t take caffeine. Research has no clear evidence to support this theory since caffeine is a stimulant and hemp a depressant. One may think that the two cancel each other. However, taking the two together may worsen the symptoms. 

The use of hemp is a personal decision unless medicated by physicians for pain and other medical causes.