Get To Know The Solution To Overcome Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a killer of men’s confidence in bed. However, there are various solutions to overcome erectile dysfunction that can be done.

Erectile dysfunction affects not only men but also partners or women because it affects physical satisfaction. Erectile dysfunction often occurs in men during love without realizing it. Erectile dysfunction occurs when a man achieves and maintains an erection that is perfect for satisfying physical activity.

If a man experiences erectile dysfunction for more than three months or within 10 times of physical intercourse, he should immediately seek medical attention from Texas urology specialists.

A person’s awareness of erectile dysfunction is the key to successful treatment.

If you have just experienced it, you have a complaint. It doesn’t take long for intervention, including eliminating risk factors, healthy lifestyle, as well as medication, better outcome. Different from those that have been there for years, there are comorbidities, the recovery is longer. If you’re looking for an alternative solution check out the Clinic for Him Washington DC if ever you’re in the area.

Medication is one solution to overcome erectile dysfunction

How does it work?

Before getting to know how Sildenafil works, you first need to know ED. ED makes it difficult for men to achieve or maintain an erection for satisfying love.

The erection mechanism involves several elements, namely, neural transmission or stimulation, healthy blood vessels, good erectile tissue as well as psychological elements. When all these elements work properly, the erectile tissue will be drained of blood and become tense.

However, when these elements do not work properly, an erection is difficult to achieve.

Sildenafil will decrease the effect and levels of the PDE5 enzyme, increase nitric oxide, also increase the production of cGMP in the body so that the muscles and blood vessels in the relax.

The enzyme PDE5 or phosphodiesterase-5 is stored in a part of the called the corpus cavernosum. Sildenafil consumption will decrease PDE5. Blood vessels relax blood flow to the increases and reduces blood flow. Cenforce 150 and Fildena 150 the treat for erectile dysfunction.

Erectile dysfunction will have an impact on unsatisfactory physical relations for partners, causing discomfort, premature ejaculation, and trauma to undergo the next intimate relationship.

Erectile dysfunction can be caused by multi-related factors ranging from disorders of blood vessels, nerves, hormones, penile structure, and the influence of certain drugs.

He explained that in the first line, doctors would give drugs in the category of PDE-5 Inhibitors. This drug works during physical intercourse.

This drug should be given to patients who have no contraindications. This category of medicine causes blood vessels to dilate, and consequently, blood pressure will drop. As a result, this drug cannot be given to people with low blood pressure and takes drugs that widen blood vessels.

Therapy can be done by using a vacuum or a vein clamp that is attached to the penis. While treating, doctors will also find out the cause of erectile dysfunction in men so that treatment is more accurate.

In the second line, an intracavernous injection or injection into the base of the will usually be performed. The next stage can be done with implants in the vascular surgery.

In addition to medical treatment, erectile dysfunction patients are also asked to lead a healthy lifestyle by maintaining proportional body weight.

You have to have a good lifestyle, don’t smoke and consume alcohol, don’t stress, and do cardio, such as running or cycling.

Erectile dysfunction is a common disease among men over middle age

Studies show that 50-70% of men over 50 experience at least mild erectile dysfunction symptoms. This is especially true for men suffering from cardiovascular disease or diabetes.

Erectile Dysfunction is a symptom in which an erection is not achieved or maintained properly and is the result of a combination of physical and psychological factors. In severe cases, intimate life becomes difficult, physical desire decreases, and anxiety and depression are accompanied.

Aerobic exercise

According to a study published in 2018, moderate-intensity aerobic exercise lasting about 40 minutes at a time 4 times a week for 6 months improves erectile dysfunction symptoms. Jogging, swimming, cycling, or trotting are good for any sport as long as you have the right intensity.


‘Mediterranean diet helps improve erectile dysfunction. Eat fruits, vegetables, and nuts every day, and get fat from olive oil rather than meat. Reduce your meat intake and eat more fish to replenish your protein.

Weight lose

According to a 2015 study, obese men were 40% more likely to suffer from erectile dysfunction than normal-weight men. If you are overweight, losing just 5-10% of your body weight can energize your love life.

In overweight people, the level of hormones that support erections is lower than in people with proportional body weight. Research shows that men who eat a low-calorie diet for eight weeks can improve their erection ability.


The exercise was considered exclusive to women, but it is also helpful in improving men’s erectile dysfunction. It is an exercise that repeats the release of tension after stopping urine in the middle or tightening the anal sphincter. Repeat 5 seconds of contraction and 5 seconds of relaxation 4 to 5 times. As you get used to Aurogra 100 and Vidalista 60, increase the male potency.

Erectile dysfunction is also a precursor to severe diseases. It can appear when cardiovascular disease, diabetes, or prostate disease progresses. It may also be due to psychological problems such as stress, anxiety, or depression. This is why it is important not to think of it as a simple aging problem but to consult a specialist.

A healthy lifestyle can help with health, and there will be improving your Health.