Facts About Botox


Getting Botox injections is one of the most common cosmetic procedures in the US and all over the world. You will find plenty of places offering Santa Clarita Botox. 

Many people, both men, and women have used Botox to try and defy the aging process since it was invented in the 1980s. Botox is an injectable dermal filler which is actually a neurotoxin that temporarily severs the connection between your nerves and your muscles. 

Botox is primarily used for anti-aging purposes, but you can also use it for others. If you plan on getting Botox, the following are some facts you should know about it: 

Botox Trains Your Muscles

If you want to get the best results from Botox, you will have to get multiple injections over time. The product will be that the dermal filler will train your facial muscles not to form aggressive expressions. 

When you get the injections, you will become acutely aware of the movements made by your facial muscles. The awareness will remain after the treatment, and hence you will become very conscious about the facial expressions you make. 

Botox Weakens Muscles

In addition to training your muscles in a particular way, Botox will also weaken your muscles over time. If you don’t use your muscles often, they become subject to atrophy, and the same happens to your facial muscles if you regularly undergo Botox treatments. 

Since Botox severs the connection between your nerves and muscles, you will not use your muscles as much. The result will be your muscles will get used to the inactivity and deteriorate over time. 

It does not mean that you will eventually lose control of your facial muscles or become like a stone-cold sculpture. The muscles can regain their strength if you continue using them over time. 

Botox Makes You Skin Thin

Some patients appear to have thinner skin than others due to constantly getting Botox treatments over the years. Most of the people who experience this side effect are those that start getting Botox treatments as early as in their twenties. 

It may be due to facial muscles getting weaker and hence losing their thickness over time. The thinning of facial muscles will eventually make using Botox incredibly difficult. To avoid this side effect, you should adopt a skincare regimen and follow it religiously.Protecting your skin from harm such as direct sunlight should also help immensely. 

Botox Effects Last After You Stop

A common misconception many people who plan on getting Botox hold is that the results will not last. The truth is that the effects of Botox on your facial muscles do not disappear when you stop getting injections of the dermal filler. 

The Botox in the skin will still delay the onset of wrinkles and aging lines after you stop getting treatments. However, the results will not be as favorable as when you were getting regular injections. 

Therefore, if you are afraid of getting Botox injections because you are afraid you will look weird after you stop, don’t be.