Top Ways for Preventing Heartburn

natural ways to fight insomnia - preventing heartburn
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Getting occasional heartburn is quite common, and there is nothing wrong with it. Do not worry because you are not sick, but it can interfere with your daily life if it is more frequent. Usually, it is caused by the backup of stomach acid into the esophagus. Sometimes it is more than just minor discomfort and can significantly reduce the quality of life. If you are in Plano heartburn relief is available. It is helpful to know that having heartburn can damage the esophagus and sometimes increase the risk of cancer if it is ignored and left untreated. The following steps can help ease or prevent your heartburn:

Avoid certain foods

Some foods are more likely than others to trigger influx, and those are the ones you should avoid. Mint, fatty foods, spicy foods, tomatoes, onions, garlic, coffee, tea, chocolate, and alcohol are some of the leading causes of heartburn. If you realize you have reflux and regularly eat any of these foods, you should try eliminating them to see if things get better. You can bring them back one by one and see which one was the problem. If possible, work with a heartburn specialist to give valuable diet tips.

Maintain a reasonable weight

Belly fat or being pregnant leads to excess weight on the abdomen, increasing pressure, which pushes stomach content up into the esophagus. If you are overweight and constantly deal with heartburn, the best way to gain relief is through weight loss. That extra weight you lose can be the key to preventing heartburn. Maintaining a healthy diet, lifestyle changes, and exercising can also help promote heartburn relief.


Many people can get rid of their heartburn symptoms by changing their lifestyle, but that does not happen for everyone. For some, medication may be the solution to preventing and treating acid reflux and heartburn. Your heartburn specialist may recommend over-the-counter or prescription medications, including antacids like calcium carbonate, H2-receptor blockers, mucosal protectants, and proton pump inhibitors. Depending on the cause of your heartburn, your doctor will recommend the best medication possible or an alternative course of action.

Sleep on an incline

If you are experiencing nighttime heartburn, one of the best ways to ease it is by raising your torso a bit using a wedge-shaped cushion. If you are not sure where you can buy a wedge, they are available in medical supply companies and various home goods stores. Avoid propping your head and shoulders with regular pillows because they can increase pressure on the stomach by curling up at the waist.

If you are experiencing frequent heartburn, you need to understand that there is nothing normal with that, and the sooner you talk to your doctor, the better. Your specialist might recommend some lifestyle changes to manage your symptoms better. They may also advise you on losing weight or quitting smoking, depending on your type of heartburn. Please note that if lifestyle changes are not helping, your heartburn specialist may recommend over-the-counter or prescription medication. Sometimes you may need surgery, but that is only on rare occurrences.