filtered water

What is filtered water? – Know all about it

What is filtered water? Filtered water is water that has any unwanted or harmful minerals, chemicals or byproducts removed from it before consumption. This can be done through boiling, filtration systems, iodine drops and a number of other ways. Filtered water is the closest thing to pure water there is. Pure water isn’t real because at a baseline water without minerals isn’t actually water. So, filtered water is a healthy and safe choice for your home and family.

Although there is no such thing as ‘pure’ water, you can filter your water to help weed out certain contaminants you may not want to be drinking. There are many ways to filter water and many different systems that will do it. Many of these systems work well but distillation is one of the best as it, “removes more contaminants than any other single process”. There are other ways to remove contaminants without using distillation, such as a home or portable filtration system. If you are looking for the best water filtration system for your home, can be the best source.

It isn’t necessarily that your water has minerals in it that is a concern, it’s what else is in your water that could potentially be a problem. City water laws are different place to place and what may be outlawed in one place is allowed in another. This leaves a lot of guess work in what you’re drinking. That’s where filtration comes in handy. You’re in control of what your water has in it and how its filtered out.

Filtration is an easy way to know, at least to an extent, what is and isn’t in the water you’re drinking. Some contaminants allowed by some cities can be harmful, even in small doses. It’s important to look into what your city allows in tap water and make an informed decision about filtering water if necessary. Although pure water doesn’t exist, healthy water does. Healthy water and ‘pure’ water are not the same thing because, again, there is no pure water. pH is the measure of how acidic/basic water is. 7 is neutral, below 7 is acidic and above 7 is base. pH is a measurement of the relative amount of free hydrogen and hydroxyl ions in the water. More hydrogen means more acidic water while more hydroxyl means more base water. Healthy water is a range of 7.2 to 7.6 pH and contaminates like chlorine, chloramines and disinfection byproducts have been removed. Filtered water is safer to drink and is a healthy option compared to straight tap. Filtration doesn’t happen on its own though. Some form of filtration system, be it a pitcher, fridge, sink attachment, bottle, or another type of installed system is required to remove contaminants. (

The only complication with filtering what is you need to know what you’re filtering out, so you get an idea of what system is best for your needs. All systems are not created equally, they do different things and filter different contaminants. Contaminants like chlorine byproducts need a simple carbon filter while chlorine, chloramine and fluoride require a complex water filter such as the Kitchen Defender. If you have cities upstream reverse osmosis may be the option for you as there could be harmful contaminants carried into your water. Filtration and the systems required go on a case by case basis. Research should be done to find not only what’s in your system but what you would like removed. Certain systems remove certain contaminants and they are not all made the same. Like any other worthwhile endeavor, a lot goes into choosing a filtration system.

If your unsure what is in your drinking water maps and city water reports can be a useful resource. Maps will tell you what kind of body your drinking water comes from: reservoir, river, lake, etc. City water reports can tell you what’s in your water and help you make a more knowledge decision about filtration system choices. After you find the report, decide what you’d like to remove all that’s left is to buy and install a system to filter your water. It can seem like a daunting and confusing task but can easily be broken down into just a few steps: locate city water report, check upstream for sewer treatment, identify the treatment you’d like to use and buy a system! Our website has helpful links for finding your city water report and local maps. If you need any help picking a system, debating the pros or cons of have any questions feel free to call and we’ll be happy to walk you through it.

Filtered water is healthy water and a healthy choice for your family. You’re in control and in the know about what’s in the water you’re consuming. Although there are other options to peruse, filtration has its perks. Bottled water is a good choice for healthy drinking water sure but can be overall expensive and causes a lot of strain on the planet via plastic production and recycling. With filtered water through your home you get safe, healthy water without the unneeded trip to the store and all those plastic bottles to recycle. Ultimately do your research and pick whatever healthy water best suites your family and your needs. The most important thing is you being in the very best form of filtered water for your situation.