Houseplants For Your Home

Plant All You Want! 7 Types Of Houseplants For Your Home

Are you looking for useful information about the ideal houseplants for your house? You may find this read interesting! Taking care of houseplants is a great hobby, especially for those who find it very relaxing and unexplainably calming. It gives them a feeling of a beautiful “parent-like” responsibility and at the same time love and connection to their “leaf babies.”

With that said, it would be a great idea to contemplate and decide about which houseplants are ideal for your home that also catches your interest at the same time. To know more about them, listed below are seven types of houseplants you can take good care of at home.

Prayer Plants 

One of the ideal plants for your house is the prayer plant, also known as “praying hands,” with a scientific name called Maranta leuconeura. Its leaves naturally spread upward like in a prayer position, which is where it got its name. 

Aside from being used as an interior design inside the home, prayer-plants are also beneficial for health. This type of plant filters air pollutants, thereby cleaning the breeze which circulates inside your house. 

It is one of the main reasons why some plant lovers grow prayer plants inside their home. With that said, prayer-plants can also be an ideal plant to grow in your home. If you are interested in owning and developing this type of plant, you can find out how to grow prayer plants here.

Aluminum Plant 

The aluminum plant, or Pilea Cadierei, is another type of plant you can add to your houseplant’s list. Aluminum plants have this silver design on the center of their leaves, which is why many plant owners grow this plant, for they admire the uniqueness of its natural art.

Aluminum plants are also tropical plants, so it naturally prefers environments and climates with a warmer condition. But that doesn’t mean you can’t grow it in cooler conditions, too!

Bird’s Nest Fern

Bird’s nest fern is also a great additional plant on your list! Birds nest fern or scientifically called Asplenium Nidus L., is typically used as a decorative plant inside homes, hotels, and other establishments. 

It is also known for its medicinal properties like flavonoids and various antioxidant properties used for antibacterial medicine and tumor elimination. Bird’s nest fern typically thrives in warmer climates under the right shade.

Chinese Evergreen

Another type of ideal houseplant you can have is the Aglaonema or the Chinese evergreen plant. Chinese evergreen is best watered once a week and doesn’t need a lot of watering. What’s important is that you must make sure that the soil is completely dry before watering it again.

Typically, Chinese evergreens are often used as decoration inside hallways or offices, for it can still thrive even in low lighted locations. What’s important is that it must not be directly exposed to sunlight and must be placed in a balanced area with a little light and a little shade.

Peacock Plant

Calathea Makoyana, also known as peacock plant or “cathedral windows,” is a beautiful plant that can reach up to 2 feet, especially when taken care of religiously. Peacock plants originate from Brazilian plants. Thus, it loves humidity and mist.  

Peacock plants must not be exposed to direct sunlight and must be placed in an area where low to moderate light is consistent. It is essential to follow these steps to prevent the leaves from becoming less radiant, drying up, and less shiny. Also, its soil needs to be moist most of the time to keep its health in check. With that said, it is best to place the peacock plant where you can easily water or mist it.

The peacock plant got its name for it possesses an almost identical natural design of a peacock’s tail. With their fabulous foliage and naturally artistic leaf, peacock plants are used as a popular plant decoration in houses or other establishments. 

Lucky Bamboo

Another simple yet beautiful plant you can own is the Dracena Sanderiana, also known as the lucky bamboo. Because of its simplicity, elegance, and attractiveness, the lucky bamboo became a popular indoor plant, typically seen in malls, hotels, and other public establishments. It is also considered to bring good luck based on the teachings of feng shui.

What’s striking about this plant is that it is not related to the bamboo family at all. It belongs to the family of lilies. Lucky bamboo originated from the tropical forests of Southeast Asia and Africa as well.

Rubber Plant

Ficus Elastica, also known as the rubber plant, is also an ideal plant you can have. Rubber plants are usually medium or large. It is also known for attractive and shiny foliage and is typically used as a landscape display inside public establishments like resorts and hotels. Also, rubber plants do not contain any allergic properties and can be very suitable for any person who wants to own one.


The houseplants mentioned above are ideal choices of plants that you can own and start growing. In connection to that, there are other types of beautiful houseplants out there that may catch your interest as well. What’s important is that you must study and become familiar with how to take care of these plants to bloom into their best potentials.