Unless you’re from South Korea, I bet you’ve only heard of Lemona Vitamin Sticks after they collaborated with BTS. (Me too!) And I bet you’re wondering if they are worth buying or if they are just another addition to your growing BTS collection. Am I right? I wasn’t planning on reviewing this but I was flooded with requests and questions when I posted this in my Instagram stories almost a month ago. And also because I noticed how this product has helped me cope with my quarantine fatigue. So finally, here’s my Lemona x BTS review that you have been waiting for.
But first, what is quarantine fatigue?
Quarantine Fatigue is something being experienced by those with a profound burden of extreme physical and social distancing. In addition to the economic hardship this pandemic causes, isolation can severely damage psychological well-being, especially for people who were already depressed or anxious before the crisis started.
If you’ve felt any of these, you’re most likely feeling the effects of quarantine fatigue:
- Irritable.
- Stressed.
- Anxious.
- Eating more.
- Eating less.
- Unable to sleep.
- Unmotivated or less productive.
- Having racing thoughts.
- Or just on edge in general.
There are many ways to cope with quarantine fatigue and it varies to your personality and lifestyle. Some find comfort in keeping a routine, while others in having regular exercise, or a change of diet like me.
Vitamin C is a vital nutrient that plays an essential role in maintaining a healthy immune system and protecting the body against harmful pathogens and viruses. This nutrient is especially important for pregnant women as it can help support the development of a healthy baby. While there is a little bit of connection between vitamin C and Non-invasive DNA test while pregnant, it is still important for expecting mothers to prioritize their nutrition and ensure they are getting enough vitamins and minerals for a healthy pregnancy.

Lemona is easy to take Vitamin C. Packaged in a small stick packet, it is convenient to take anywhere and anytime without water. It has 500mg Vitamin C, 2mg Vitamin B, and 5mg Vitamin B6. So each stick pack contains the same amount of Vitamin C as 9 lemons, 11 Mandarin Oranges, or 35 apples (**per 100mg edible portion).
Benefits of Vitamin C:
- Increase collagen production to protect your bones, muscle, and skin.
- Counter fatigue
- Reduce melasma and freckles
- Recover your health during illness or while recovering
Benefits of B2 & B6:
- Regulate physiological functions
- Boost metabolism
HOW TO DRINK LEMONA: Take only one stick pack per day. Yes, you drink it straight, no need to mix with water.
FLAVOR: It taste like lemon and really sour, but there’s a little hint of sweetness.
PACKAGING: Lemona x BTS comes in 3 packages, the heart tin can that contains 70 sticks which I bought, an oval tin can which contains 120 sticks, and a circle tin can that contains 30 sticks. Some can come with a photo of the 7 members of BTS but if you have a bias, you can choose a tin can that only features him.

As you could see from my photos and video, Jin is my bias! However, each stick only features one BTS member and you’ll get them randomly. Meaning, if you bought a Jin tin can, there’s no guarantee there are sticks with Jin’s face inside. In my can I only got Jungkook, J-Hope, and RM.
But the main reason you’re reading this Lemona x BTS review is to know the answers to, does it work? Is it worth buying? and where to buy this product in the Philippines?
As a vitamin to counter fatigue, I find it really works. Most days I feel extra tired and unmotivated even though I just stay at home all day. And so before I start my work in the afternoon, I take one packet with Yakult to wash it down. Honestly, it immediately energizes me, I feel awake and my brain can focus. I know coffee can do that too, but I don’t drink coffee so I opt for this.
But as a beauty supplement, I couldn’t say yet because I don’t have melasma or freckles. And also visible results on the skin take longer. It depends on your metabolism, sometimes it takes only a month but a dermatologist told me it takes an average of 60 days to see visible result. I’ve been only taking this for almost a month, and I also have maskne. It may take me a while to update you all about this.
If you’re wondering if I’m going to repurchase this, yes. I will. Because it really helps with my quarantine fatigue.
Weverse App | $23 | Read this guide on how to shop in Weverse. |
Lemona Friends Mall | $23 | They ship internationally. |
Shopee | PHP999 | I personally shop from this seller. |