After a lifetime of self-judgment and negative thoughts, it can be hard for a bride to feel confident and comfortable in her own skin. Thankfully, there are some great essential tools out there for brides who feel uncomfortable or unhappy with their bodies. These tools include daily journals, meditation courses, and saying positive things to oneself.
Journaling is Good for The Bridal Spirit
Buying a wedding journal should be essential for the bride who needs to work on her self confidence. It’s a place to write down thoughts and feelings and a way to work through some of those body confidence issues. Try to start each day with five minutes of wedding journaling. If this is a challenge, it may be just what the doctor ordered to help the bride feel more confident with herself and more comfortable in her skin. The trick is not to think too hard about the process, but just to begin.
For a bridal journal with the goal of improving self-confidence, the bride needs to focus on her positives. If dress shopping is in a few days and she has Plus Size Wedding Gowns on the brain, she can choose to do a quick sketch of herself in her dream dress, describe what it looks like in words, or write about how she will feel walking down the aisle on her big day. Focusing on all the positives of her soon to be a gown and imagining how fabulous she is going to feel in it can help her feel more comfortable in her own skin.
Meditation is an Essential for Body Positivity and Self Love
Meditation is good for anyone, but especially for soon-to-be brides who need a self-confidence boost. Anyone who has not tried mediation should do so. There are many apps out there, both free and paid options, that offer daily meditations focusing on feeling more comfortable and confident in a person’s body. Meditation can fit into any schedule, as sessions can be found that are as short as two minutes. Look for guided meditations on topics like body positivity, self-acceptance, soon-to-be brides, and even happiness. All of these topics can definitely give the listener a good boost of self-confidence. While it may feel silly at first, after a few sessions it can be really addictive. Most users report feeling calmer and more confident about their bodies after the first listen!
Mirror Affirmations is Essential
Many times, when people see themselves in a mirror, their thoughts aren’t the nicest, which doesn’t help their self-esteem. For a daily confidence boost, the bride to be should say at least one nice thing about herself every time she looks in the mirror. Saying daily mirror affirmations as part of a morning ritual will boost self-confidence and get the day started out on a positive note. If a bride isn’t sure what to say about her fabulous self, there are many ideas out there on the internet to help her get that confidence boosted and feel more comfortable in her skin.
Appreciate and Follow Brides of all Body Types
Many times, a plus-sized bride is surrounded by images of skinnier brides, and she may not see a lot of photos of brides that she can relate to. Many brides, and some grooms, may have trouble relating to the size zero stunning blondes modeling the gowns. With a simple internet or social media search, a bride can easily find other curvy brides to look up to and even chat with. It’s also a good idea to make a body-positive wedding collage from the images found. Print out brides of all sizes, nationalities, and abilities, and either sticks them to a vision board or tape them up around the house. It’s hard to feel negative about oneself when surrounded by happy relatable brides that look fabulous.
The above lists four great essentials to help a bride feel more comfortable and confident in her skin. Journaling, meditation, mirror affirmations, and finding brides with the same body type can help any girl work on her self-confidence before the big day. Every bride deserves to feel like a princess, and these essentials will help.