Selecting An Ideal Frame

blue decor and art wall

Every artwork represents a different style. It is important to choose an appropriate means of presentation for your masterpiece. Whether you’re planning to display your work at a celebrated gallery, or simply wish to show your artwork in a good light at home or at your workplace, you should get the correct help to hang your work. Mobile picture framing is a great solution to get a professional picture framer to come to you if you do not trust yourself to do the work on your own. Otherwise, for our tips on selecting the ideal frame, you should go through the following guidelines.

Use Frames Made Out of High-Quality Materials:

A-frame should add elegance to your picture. Frame Destination has a wide range of neutral frames. Sometimes, selecting a neutral frame can work wonders for your artwork and prevent it from looking cheap or amateurish. Standard colors like black, grey, and white can never go wrong. For bold or elaborative artwork, these frames work best.

Modern Designs in Classic Colours:

A majority of times, a basic, contemporary frame would be your right pick. Sleek frames bring out the best in a picture. Many artists believe that the color black looks classic and traditional at the same time. However, white frames are gaining popularity, especially on gallery walls day by day. Many professional photographers state that white frames give your picture a clean look and do not distract attention away from the masterpiece. When you hang a white frame on the wall, it seems that the photograph is all by itself. Irrespective of the hues, if you wish to lend some warmth to your picture, go for a wooden frame. Metal frames, at the same time, give a contemporary touch to the art. A frame should never grab so much attention that the viewer forgets about what he/she is actually looking at.

Different Glasses for Frames

The different kinds of glasses available in the market for your frames are designed to protect your art pieces against dirt, dust, or any kind of damage. It is recommended to use archival glass for your artwork if you are planning to display your work at a gallery. If you are looking to keep a frame just as a home décor accessory then, you do not need this type of glass. Some glasses also come with a UV ray filter that protects your art and its colors from fading away or damaging.

Frame Accessories

At Frame Destination, you’ll find a range of useful accessories that can be bought along with the frames to make them completely ready to hang at an art exhibit or at a gallery. Hanging kits are available for different kinds of wooden frames and metal frames according to their design. These frames even have markings on them, which makes it easier to figure out where exactly the nail goes on the wall.

The following accessories can be bought along with the frame.

  1. Mounting Supplies

These include hinging tape, ATG tape, tissues, adhesives, bone folders, and gloves. It becomes easier to mount pictures that are otherwise prone to damage or are fragile with these accessories. You can even make permanent displays. These accessories aid to professionally mount pictures with utmost precision.

  1. Picture Hanging Kits

If you are planning to hang the picture on a wall, you can call for various hanging kits specially curated for wood and metal frames. The picture hanging hardware also comprises wall mounter and picture placing tools. These kits make your work very easy and convenient.

  1. Frame Backing and Picture Protection

Different types of backing papers are provided to guard the pictures. They keep out dust and dirt and enable you to handle your frames with care. You can protect your pictures at all times, be it while on display, in storage, or during the transfer from one place to another.

  1. Cleaning Supplies

Cleaning powder, cleaning paper, microfiber towel, and acrylic cleaner and polish, all are available at frame destination. These can be used to clean your frames regularly to prevent any debris accumulation. They also prevent scratches and effectively remove fingerprints and smudges that might spoil the look of your picture.

Creative Framing Solutions at Frame Destination

Frame Destination has a lot of customization options depending on your artwork or photographs. They use many eco-friendly materials and support various environmental causes. If you are not sure about which frame will suit you best, you can get the samples delivered at your doorstep. You can accordingly rule out the size that will be suitable for your setting and customize it. The craftsmen intricately design each frame with precision. They have years of expertise and knowledge in the field. It is a one-stop-shop for all your framing needs and requirements.