‘Clean Beauty’: What is it?

The essence of clean beauty lies in using plant-based ingredients in all skincare and cosmetic products that are derived from natural, organic, non-GMO based sources and do not harm the user’s skin or the environment in any manner. Many cosmetic companies loosely use branding words such as ‘eco-friendly’, ‘green’ or ‘natural’ as a marketing gimmick to attract customers into purchasing their products. It is important to note that all the natural ingredients cannot be clean. For example, arsenic is a natural ingredient used in cosmetics but it is a harmful metal.

Why should you use Clean Beauty?

You should switch to clean beauty due to the following reasons:

Our Skin Absorbs All our Products

The most commonly used products on our bathroom shelf such as our lotions and hair products contain several chemicals right from phthalates to parabens, sulfates, artificial fragrances, and petrochemicals that are being absorbed by our skin every day. Our skin is known to absorb all the ingredients present in our cosmetics in less than 60 seconds. These ingredients can adversely affect our skin and health as the enzymes inside attack these unknown chemicals making them toxic. These harmful effects can range from mere skin rashes and allergies to complications such as obesity, diabetes, infertility, cancer, endocrine disruption, or cardiovascular issues. In contrast, the organic ingredients present in clean beauty products do not harm our skin. 

Fragrances Contain Over 3000 Chemicals

As FDA still has limited control on the beauty and personal care industry, it is not mandatory for cosmetic companies to label the ingredients they are using to create fragrances. This allows them to include any chemicals, both toxic and non-toxic without requiring to disclose their names. It is believed that fragrances contain more than 3000 chemicals which can be easily absorbed by our skin and enter our blood stream. This is a strong reason to skip using traditional cosmetic products and switch to naturally fragrant clean beauty products.

Organic Products Naturally Heal Our Skin

Clean beauty includes common natural ingredients like eucalyptus oil, tea seed oil, aloe vera, organic berries etc. These plant-based ingredients are hygroscopic or water-loving and create a moisture mesh over your skin which cushions tight or dry skin. Most plant-based oils are quickly absorbed by our bodies without any traces of oily residue They naturally restore our skin by giving it plump hydration without the use of chemicals. These natural eco-friendly ingredients are a powerhouse of different vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants and naturally brighten dull skin.

Therefore, it is beneficial to use ‘clean beauty’ products as compared to standard beauty products, since clean products naturally restore our body’s self-healing capabilities. Clean beauty is not only safe for the people using it but it also benefits the planet. Having only a few ingredients where the consumer can understand where they come from, how they benefit the body, and their effect on the environment lies at the core of clean beauty. These clean products are empowering consumers by giving them charge of their own beauty.