What Impact Has Telemedicine Made in the Healthcare Industry

Photo by Anna Shvets from Pexels

Healthcare is constantly evolving with new inventions being made each day to improve the care of patients. Telemedicine is one of the inventions that has improved the delivery of healthcare in patients. Telemedicine refers to the use of telecommunications services to connect the doctor to the patient. Using telemedicine, patients can get a consultation from the doctor. You can access telemedicine services using your smartphone or computer.

This method of healthcare delivery not only connects patients with doctors but it also allows for consultations between different doctors. Telemedicine has been especially helpful during the Covid-19 pandemic where human contact is being discouraged to prevent the spread of the virus. In the comfort of your home, you can get in touch with Seema Chaudhary, MD,  saving both your time and money that you could have spent when traveling. The convenience of telemedicine cannot be overlooked.

What Are the Positive Effects of Telemedicine?

1. Telemedicine Offers Convenience

Because you can reach your doctor from any geographical location that has internet connectivity, you avoid the hassle of booking appointments and going to the hospitals. Telemedicine has been very convenient for people who are living in remote, rural areas that lack good medical facilities. In the past, these patients had to make long trips to hospitals in the city, which can be costly.

Telemedicine has also helped to improve service delivery in rural health centers. This is because the health workers in these locations can reach specialists in other areas through video calls or mobile maps and get advice and how to manage a certain condition. 

Also, if you have a busy work schedule which makes you have a hard time going to the doctor’s office, telemedicine is a good option for you.

2. Improvement in the Patient’s Engagement in Treatment

When using telemedicine services, it is easy for patients to follow up on their appointments because they can easily and quickly follow up on the telemedicine mobile applications. Because the doctor is only one call away when using telemedicine, patients can inform the doctor of their symptoms early enough before complications emerge. Telemedicine applications also have security features that assure the patient’s confidentiality as they talk to the doctor.

3. Improvement of the Quality of Healthcare

Telemedicine improves the quality of care that patients get because the care is patient-centered and the patient can access treatment quickly, before their condition worsens. The convenience of telemedicine also encourages patients to seek preventative services like screening for cancer and other medical conditions because they do not have to travel for long distances or wait in long lines. This has helped to reduce the burden of these diseases in the society.

4. Specialist Care

Using telemedicine services, you can get access to a specialist of the condition that you are suffering from just like telemedicine psychiatry, and this means that you will get the best care there is for the condition. This is especially helpful if you live in a remote rural area with very few specialists. Your doctor can also involve a specialist in your treatment by having a video call or using another method of telemedicine.

In summary, telemedicine is a form of healthcare delivery by sending emails, using mobile applications, or through video calls on smartphones or computers. This method of delivering health services is very effective in connecting patients to the doctor when they are in far areas or when they have a busy schedule that limits them from going to the hospital. Telemedicine is accessible, cost-effective, and a convenient way of getting quality healthcare.