Have you shaved your head recently and discovered it is very itchy, making you feel uncomfortable? Taking care of a bald head is comfortable with the right tools and techniques. Your Mayfield Heights cosmetics expert suggests changing the products and routine to solve the itching problem. We have compiled some easy maintenance tips for your bald head in the article below.
Change your Shaving Routine
When it comes to a bald head, it is advisable to always go for the best electric head shaver for the best results. The shaving machine should be clean and disinfected to prevent the transmission of bacteria to the skin. Before beginning the shaving process, confirm whether you have the following shaving tools:
- Hair shampoo and conditioner
- A pre-shave oil
- Top range shaving machine
- Shaving cream for bald heads
Cleaning your Head with a Proper Head Wash
Your skin can prove very sensitive, especially when using chemicals that contain harsh hair ingredients. The more the head is exposed with no air, the higher the chances of a possible build-up of dirt and dandruff.
If you recently shaved your head bald and discovered it still has flakes and itchiness, the best solution would be changing your shampoo and hair conditioner. Products containing sulfates and p phenylenediamines cause skin drying and itching; therefore, you should stay away from them.
Moisturizing your Scalp Regularly
Hydration of your body and skin goes hand in hand with the diet you are taking. Hydration is vital to the condition of your skin and hair. A skin that is not adequately hydrated is likely to appear flakey and dry.
Keeping your body hydrated will require you to drink water regularly every day. Eating foods such as watermelon, strawberries, oranges, and cucumber will not only keep your skin hydrated but also provide the body and skin with the necessary nutrients.
Moisturizing your skin can also be achieved through the proper application of sensitive skin moisturizer oils and lotions. The lotion helps prevent drying up of the skin and also prevents unwanted substances, such as dirt, from coming into contact with your skin.
Protect your head from direct sunlight
Sunburns are the biggest challenge for people with bald heads. You can protect your head from sunlight by wearing a hat and a pair of sunglasses. Also, you can purchase sunscreen oil that is usable on the bald part of your head.
Polish the shine
Suppose you aspire to attain a shiny head similar to that of the legendary basketball player, Michael Jordan. In that case, you can go ahead and start applying the appropriate oil and wait for the results. Several specific oil products get the job done, but it is advisable to only go for the approved ones.
Having a bald head means taking care of your hair or scalp in a whole new approach. Fortunately, several professional hair therapists are always available remotely and online to provide you with the best maintenance tips for your bald head.
Visit your provider to learn more about how to take proper care of your bald head.