Virtually overnight, the whole world moved to video conferencing using the best webinar software as its main type of social interaction, and if you are a person who absolutely owns in-person meetings but feels oddly out-of-place and unconfident on video calls, you are not alone. Luckily, achieving confidence while in video conferences can be done with a few simple steps.
Look Your Best
Looking your best is a natural boost to your confidence and focus. You need to spend less time wondering how you are appearing to others and more time focused on what you need to accomplish or communicate during the call. Spend a little time learning to apply your make up for on on-camera look. Apply your make-up using your phone camera or webcam instead of your usual well-lit mirror. Learn how to use a contour palette to minimize double chins and accentuate positive face angles. If you have any particular areas that you find are continually distracting you from your necessary focus, Lumen and Bevel Aesthetics suggests considering non-surgical face sculpting as a way to inspire fresh confidence.
Dress for a Video Conference
Amazing outfits that compliment your every feature and stun in face-to-face meetings may not be appropriate for a video conference. Choose a plain, solid color that compliments your on-camera complexion, but don’t wear bright white or dark black as they can make you look washed out or blob-ish. Check your outfit on camera well in advance of your meeting so you can change it if it doesn’t work on camera.
Be Wary of Camera Angles
Adjust your webcam so it is eye-level, even if you have to stack books under your computer. You don’t want your audience looking up your nostrils during your call. Also, position yourself a reasonable distance away from the webcam. Most smartphones and webcams use wide-angle cameras that can distort your face if you are too close and are very low resolution. If possible, consider investing in a separate webcam.
Make Your Environment Video Ready
Unless you are trying for a mysterious silhouette look, you don’t want a window or any bright light behind you. Instead, sit in front of a window or add light directly in front of your face. Stay away from side-lighting as much as you can as it will cast half your face in shadow. Tidy up any area that can be seen on camera so as not to distract your audience. It is best if you can have a neutral or pastel wall behind you with few distractions.
Test Your On-Camera Presence
Test yourself by making short practice videos and watching them back. Try slightly different angles to find your best on-camera angle. It may help to put a small mark on your screen to help you remember where to look so that you appear to be looking directly at the camera and thus your audience. While practicing, make sure you become fluid muting yourself, and sharing your screen.
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Achieving that on-camera confidence is about feeling as powerful and capable in your video meeting as you do in person, and taking these steps will help you get there.