Is Finasteride Effective For Hair Loss In Men?

Hair loss in men is the most common type of male-pattern baldness which is considered to be a genetic trait that is inherited through parents. This baldness is referred to as the pattern of decreased hair growth on the crown part of the head.

As mentioned above, it is common for most men to experience hair loss in their life. Apart from the genetic trait, other causes of male pattern baldness include the usage of certain medications, not having enough protein in the diet, extreme levels of stress, having too much vitamin A in the body, or having any illness such as typhoid.

Mentioned in a study by the American Hair Loss Association, it is said that around 80% of men experience thinning of their hair by the time they are 50, and around 90% of their hair loss is caused because of male pattern baldness. This means even if it is not genetic, there are huge chances for men to experience this in their lifetime.

Moreover, this extreme change in an individual’s personality can have dramatic changes to confidence and self-esteem. This change in confidence can also escalate when a man starts to lose hair before 50 while the majority of his friends and family members still haven’t experienced any of it. 

For this reason, there are certain treatments and things that can be highly effective for hair loss in men. One of them is the finasteride. 

What Is Finasteride and How Does It Work? 

Finasteride is a proven medication for men with hair loss issues. It benefits those who show the moderate hair loss and have decreased hair growth. 

Hair loss is caused by the activity of dihydrotestosterone on the follicles of hair. The DHT hormone activates a receptor in the hair follicle that reduces hair growth and makes the hair-thin. 

Finasteride has a component that stops the male testosterone to convert into the DHT hormone which results in less amount of the hormone in the scalp near hair follicles. 

Although finasteride is considered to be an effective DHT-blocking medication, approved by the Food and Drug Association, it is not something that does wonders overnight. This will not cure baldness or hair loss issues instantly. For better results, it must be used consistently. The proper results start to appear in around 12 to 18 months of the treatment with finasteride. However, mild and visible changes occur in about 4 to 6 months. 

Side Effects Of Using Finasteride

As with every medication and treatment, there are some side effects too. Although finasteride is a consistent and good treatment, it has its disadvantages as well.

One of the common things that most men experience with the usage of finasteride is the decreased sexual desire because of a reduction in libido, along with erectile dysfunction. Other than that, rare side effects of finasteride include depression or stress, breast tenderness, or pain in testicles.   

If you are someone who uses finasteride and is experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned above, make sure to stop using finasteride and consult your doctor. 

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