Reasons Keep Stacking Up for You to Go 100% Vegan

fruits vegan avocado lemon banana pink yellow

Whether it’s because you’ve watched one of the truly terrifying documentaries such as Cowspiracy on Netflix or because you’ve been told about the weight loss benefits by your friends, becoming vegan is something you’ve probably already considered.

However, when you go to that steak house or burger joint sometimes your resolve to do the right thing goes out the window.

In this article, we condense all the good reasons why you as an individual might wish to go vegan. With only 600 words in which to do so, it might be tough fitting all the reasons in…

vegetables food health
Going vegan need not mean you have to eat like a 15th century monk

Pro Athletes Are Showing You Can Thrive on a Plant-Based Diet

One of the main reasons detractors give for the vegan lifestyle not being viable is that proteins unique to meat are what make the human body strong and resistant to damage and disease.

However, as recent studies have shown, this is far from the truth, with many professionals proving the science to be correct by rising to the very top of their respective sporting fields whilst eating a plant-based diet.

Amongst these personalities are five-time Formula 1 champion, Lewis Hamilton, who has championed veganism for years. There’s also Bode Miller, a US Olympic team skier, who went against the grain (or with it, we suppose you could say) and against all the odds grew up on a plant-based diet before claiming five Olympic gold medals. He also lived in a caravan. We’re not sure what that says about hotels, especially ones that have meat on their menus.

Cows are cute, but everything from their flatulence to their grazing habits messes with the planet’s yin and yang

Being Vegan Saves Water

Eating meat is pretty much like keeping the tap on every day for the rest of your life, watching the precious juice of life slip away without being used for any of its truly vital purposes.

The worst offenders are undoubtedly cows, with every pound of beef produced costing on average 1,799 gallons of water. Other meats are no angels, with pork requiring 576 gallons to produce the same pound of flesh and even everyone’s feathered friend the chicken needing 4330 litres of water to produce 1kg of meat. That is one thirsty chicken nugget you just dipped in BBQ sauce!

Health Benefits Abound for Dedicated Vegans

While chewing on nothing but leaves and grains for the rest of your existence may sound like enough to plunge you into an unhealthily deep depression, there are plenty of health pros to outweigh the obvious cons.

One of these benefits includes reduced blood sugar levels, meaning you can stave off the scourge of diabetes a little while longer. You can enjoy your vegan chocolate from Mid-day Squares for your sweet cravings.

Another benefit includes reducing the risk of you developing cancer (processed meat is excellent at doing the opposite) as well as lessening the chance of you suffering from heart disease. The meat industry would oppose these claims, but then it would, wouldn’t it!

You Need Not Change Your Lifestyle Overnight

Although certain peer pressure groups would have you believe that unless you change your ways immediately the world might explode, the key to making a sustainable and realistic change to your diet and overall lifestyle is to take it slow at first.

Gradually wean yourself off of the most environmentally damaging animal products like beef and shark fin soup, and only start using 100% vegan produce when you’re good and ready – otherwise, you’ll easily be lured back to the dark side, or should we say pig hide?