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Remove That Stubborn Fat with Coolsculpting

Sometimes, no matter how much you exercise, there is that area where you cannot remove stubborn fat, which is usually around the midriff, yet do not despair, as there is an innovative new treatment called coolsculpting. The process involves freezing targeted fat cells and it is perfectly safe and is a permanent solution to the problem of stubborn fat.

How Does Coolsculpting Work?

Safe delivery of targeted cooling actually freezes the fat cells, which the immune system rejects, and what’s more, the fat removal is permanent. The dead fat cells are excreted from the body by the liver within several weeks of the treatment, and the weight loss is complete after 2-3 months.

See Results in Only 6 Weeks

More than 6 million people have undergone coolsculpting treatments and you can see the results after only 6 weeks when the body has removed the deal fat cells, and the average treatment time is around 30 minutes. The specialist would recommend a specific number of treatment sessions after an introductory examination, and there is no downtime at all with coolsculpting, which means the treatment does not affect your day to day activities.

FDA Approved

Coolsculpting is FDA approved, making it perfectly safe, and the treatment involves freezing specific fat cells, which kills them off. Controlled fat removal technology has enjoyed significant developments, particularly with cryolipolysis, the technical term for coolsculpting, and this treatment only kills the targeted fat cells, leaving healthy cells unaffected. If you would like to remove unwanted fat, you can book cryolipolysis treatment with Contour Clinics, who is a leading Australian provider of this revolutionary new treatment.

Harvard Development

Coolsculpting was discovered by accident when two doctors involved in the Harvard School of Medicine noticed that children who ate popsicles developed dimples on their cheeks. Further investigation revealed that the ice was actually freezing fat cells and this led to some further experimentation that proved conclusively that controlled cooling of fat cells actually removes them from the body.

In 2009, the two doctors published the results of this treatment on some of their patients who had ‘love handles’ and the results were very impressive. This led to further experimentation and the rest is history.

No Downtime

Coolsculpting is a non-surgical, non-invasive method to remove unwanted fat and there is no downtime after the treatment, and during the following few weeks, the dead fat cells will be expelled from the body naturally. If you are quite fit but have some fat around the midriff that you simply cannot lose, then coolsculpting is the ideal solution.

Online Solutions

If you would like to learn more about this revolutionary fat removing the treatment, an online search will reveal the location of an established clinic that specializes in cryolipolysis treatment, and you can book an introductory appointment. The specialist would discuss the possibilities with you and if you are in agreement, they would schedule treatment sessions over the coming weeks.

Fat freezing technology offers a permanent solution to stubborn fat, and with millions of happy people who have already had the treatment, there’s no reason why you can’t say goodbye to those love handles once and for all.