Perfect Smile

Say Cheese! How to Get the Perfect Smile

Are you eager to make a good impression?

Whether it’s at work or on the dating scene, there is no better way to leave people thinking you’re great than having the perfect smile.

Surveys show that up to 48 percent of people say that the smile is the most memorable thing about someone when you first meet them.

But, are we simply lumbered with the smile we’re born with?

Well, yes and no! Some people are naturally great smilers. Others, have to work on it.

You can achieve a perfect smile by putting in the effort. Check out more about how to get the perfect smile with our tips below.

1. Get Your Teeth Whitened

You can’t have the perfect smile if you have yellow teeth. This occurs due to poor oral health, natural aging, smoking or even drinking coffee.

If you want to improve your smile, you need to whiten your teeth. This cosmetic dentistry can quickly turn your frown upside down.

You can also use a home whitening kit to whiten your teeth.

Even if you’ve damaged your teeth over many years due to smoking or drinking coffee, you’ll be surprised by how much whiter you’ll teeth will look after you get professional whitening.

2. Improved Self-Confidence

People with great teeth have more confidence. Or, could it be that people who are confident have great teeth?

Either way, if you have a lot of confidence, your smile could be a little brighter. So, think positively and be cheerful for a better smile.

There are many ways to boost your confidence. Look after yourself and tell yourself that you’re great. This is a great start to having a better smile.

3. Brush and Floss Every Day

You should be brushing and flossing your teeth regularly. If you’re not, then you can never hope to have an awesome smile.

Brush around twice per day – once every morning and night. For even better oral health, floss at least a few times per week as well.

Pick a toothpaste that contains the chemical fluoride for extra whitening and a better smile.

4. Avoid Coffee and Wine

Americans are drinking more gourmet coffee than ever before. And yet, a cup of Joe turns your teeth yellow.

Other drinks you probably should avoid are red wine and black tea. If you can’t help yourself, then stick to drinking through a straw.

Sipping red wine through a straw may not be as sophisticated. But, this will reduce your exposure to the staining.

5. Stop Smoking Cigarettes 

Many Americans have stopped smoking cigarettes. Yet, there are still around 35 million smokers in the US.

If you want a perfect smile, you need to give up smoking immediately. It’s bad for your health and smile.

If you cannot give up, you could even switch to e-cigarettes, which don’t stain your teeth.

How to Get the Perfect Smile?

Showing off your pearly whites for a photograph is amazing. But, what if you’re embarrassed about your smile?

Follow our tips and tricks to bolster your cheesy smile. You’ll quickly notice your smile improves when you take this advice on board. Did you find this blog post on having the perfect smile helpful? You can discover more style and beauty tips right here on our website!