6 Makeup Tips for a Surprising Date

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There are so many aspects you need to think about before a date. The topics you would like to talk about, the clothes you want to wear, the place where you will meet and also, a makeup. Nowadays, there is huge pressure, especially among girls, to look perfect and flawless all the time. We see those amazing women in newspapers, influencers on Instagram, and we feel that we are not enough. Not enough beautiful for the modern canon of beauty. It’s not true because every girl has its own special look and makeup can highlight the beauty of it. I would like to give you useful and quick makeup tips for a special date. Follow the steps below and see how you will amaze a man with your appearance and charm.

1. Stay natural

First and foremost, nature always wins. The heavy look is not the best idea for a surprise date, especially when it will be the first meeting. You don’t want to frighten a man with strong makeup, do you? Instead of dark foundation, use a highlighter which will give you a very fresh and romantic look. Do not exaggerate though, because it’s easy to look as if you had a bath in olive oil. The blush powder is a great product to add a natural glow to your cheekbones.

2. Cosmetic testing is not a good idea

The worst-case scenario before a meeting is skin allergy. The risk of it increases with the new products you have never used before. Preparing for a date is not the right time for cosmetic testing, thus use checked and favorite products in order to save yourself extra stress and facial swelling. You will be stressed enough and there is no need to add more panic and pain to your preparation.

3. Don’t put on the mask

Would you like to show your partner the real you? If yes, don’t put the mask on your face. Unless you are at a banquet where guests wear theme carnival masks. Not every woman feel comfortable without makeup, however, few layers of foundation can give you a very heavy and unnatural look as if you had a mask on your face. 

4. Long eyelashes have the power

It is all in the eyes. When it comes to a date, you should definitely underline the eyes by using the mascara and eyeliner. Men find eyelashes very attractive, especially when you give them a tempting and sexy look. If you need inspiration, London Prive presents the most amazing women who perfectly know how to use makeup in order to highlight the beauty.

5. Can I touch your face?

It’s difficult to predict the pace of your date but let’s be optimists and assume that your partner will touch your face or even kiss you. According to my male friends, there is nothing worse than kissing the layer of cosmetics instead of a girl. Men know that you would like to look perfect but they also appreciate your natural face without a tone of the brown foundation they will find on their shirt.

6. Smile!

It is a cliché, but true nonetheless, that a smile is the most beautiful makeup a woman can wear. There is nothing more attractive than a positive and happy human. And trust me, the most expensive cosmetics won’t cause the same reaction as a beautiful, honest, and charming smile on your face. Although surprising dates can be extremely stressful, it can also give you fun and memories for life.

I hope that my tips will help you to feel more confident and prepared for unexpected dates. And remember, girl you are enough just the way you are.