If you’re trying to make the change to a more cruelty-free lifestyle, makeup is a great place to begin. There are so many wonderful brands that work just as well, if not better, than the not cruelty-free brands that you might be using.
Here are some great tips that will make the transition much easier for you.
Check for the Bunny Seal
One of the easiest ways to be sure you’re picking up a cruelty-free makeup product is to check for the Bunny certification seal, which is issued by PETA for Leaping Bunny. This will be located somewhere on the package. Brands that are working toward a cruelty-free world are proud to advertise this on their products.
Do your research
You should research which brands out there are already producing and testing products using cruelty-free methods, as well as with brands DO test their products on animals. This will make your shopping experience much easier, and you might already be using some products that are cruelty-free without even knowing. Cat Nap Store provides a lot of great details about animal-friendly products.
Ease into it
It might be easy to become overzealous and excited about making the switch to becoming all cruelty-free with your makeup, but it’s important to approach it in a smart and efficient way.
Before throwing out everything and trying to start fresh, search for the specific brands that you’ve already been using. Keep the products are approved and begin looking for replacements for others while you finish using them.
Although might seem like the right thing to do is just toss the brand new bottle of foundation that you love just because you found out the company isn’t cruelty-free, but this is just going to dump more waste into the environment and lead you to stress about replacing it immediately. You’ve already purchased it, so make use of it and then look for an alternative.
Check out cruelty-free lists
Make things easier on yourself and check out some of the already curated lists of cruelty-free companies. There are plenty of them available online made specifically to help educate consumers like yourself who are trying to make more ethical purchases.