A bride is the center of attraction at a wedding with all eyes focused upon her. Wedding is the best day in a girl’s life and when she finally ties the knots of love with her soul mate. It is the dream of every bride to look like a princess with flawless and radiant skin clad in vibrant wedding attire adorned from head to toe in her wedding ensemble. From a parlor pre-wedding skincare regime to using Dadi Maa Ke Nuske the brides-to-be leave no stone unturned for attaining the perfect bridal look. Months prior to the wedding date the beauty regime begins.
It’s the wedding season! Amidst all the wedding hustle-bustle diet plans are put at bay. To bring in some calm and peaceful vibes and attaining a glowing skin you need to follow a pre-wedding bridal beauty routine. If you’re wondering how to achieve the perfect skin then worry not, we have brought for you brides a list of few ideal ways that would help to maintain the energy level, lose oodles of weight and attain a radiant skin.
Best Pre-Wedding Bridal Beauty Tips
1. CTM
Wondering what is this CTM? Well CTM stands for cleansing, tone and moisturize the three secretive steps behind healthy and glowing skin. Cleansing your skin removes all dust particles, opens up pores enabling the skin to breathe freely. Toning tightens the pores and moisturizing leaves the skin to feel soft and supple.
2. Exfoliate
Exfoliation is the best way to remove dead cells and blackheads. A mild face wash or a homemade scrub made out of kitchen ingredients would leave your skin to feel fresh.
3. Facial And Hair Spa
To uplift, your skin tone considers undergoing through the facial spa. The prewedding facial spa would help to get rid of rashes, blemishes, pimples, and freckles give your facial features a more polished look. The beauty of any wedding attire is complemented and enhanced by a chic hairdo do. For experimenting with the different bridal hairstyles you need to have healthy and gorgeous hair. Opting for hair spa would make your hair shiny, free-flowing, smooth and soft.
4. Home Treatments And Clinical Sittings
To look photogenic in the wedding snaps you need to get rid of blemishes, patchy skin, sunburn, pigmentation, wrinkles with the cosmetic treatments and using the Dadi make nuske. Wherein cosmetic treatments remove the scars their home treatments enhance your beauty by uplifting the skin tone. Maintain the glow of the face attained from clinical treatments with the use of fruit facial packs.
5. Yoga and Gym
For keeping in shape physical fitness is required. To show off your toned body and shed off the extra pounds consider hitting the gym and performing yoga. Crash dieting and aggressive gyming 1-2 months prior to the wedding can make you appear tired and crabby. Rather for achieving the perfect bridal figure consider starting your workout 4 months in advance.
6. Meditation
Weddings are a stressful time that disrupts your sleep pattern. Disturbed sleep results in baggy eyes and you would not want appear at your wedding with tired looking eyes. Practice mediation to stay calm and achieve peace of mind. 15 minutes of power mediation can work wonders.
7. Diet
Health is wealth you must have heard this saying and it’s true to its every word. For looking at the perfect bride keep your body hydrated by consuming plenty of fluids in a day. Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water in a day to keep your body toxin free. Shed the bloat by consuming fresh coconut water and lime juice. Eat a balanced diet consisting of leafy green veggies, fresh fruits, and proteins. Avoid intaking of junk food like chips, coke, sodas, and noodles. Keep yourself at bay from foods that are rich on carbs and can cause bloating and skin irritation. To satisfy your hunger pangs munch on nutritious snacks like sprouts, salads instead of junk snacks. To keep yourself motivated reward yourself with cheat meal days once in a month as it’s ok to have a few of them once in a while but do regulate on the amount you intake. The vibrant culture of Bihar makes the weddings here a matter of month-long affair. If you love the rustic and traditional look of a Bengali wedding then consider getting hitched in Patna. Easy out your search for bridal makeup in Kolkata with Shaadidukaan-India’s fastest growing online wedding market. Make your wedding planning easier as you book your makeup artist from us.