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Tooth Discolouration: The Different Types and Recommended Treatments

Our teeth have to ensure a lifetime of punishment, and the very tough tooth enamel does stain and discolour, which can be caused by a number of reasons. When you think of all the foods and drinks we consume, it is little wonder that our teeth become stained, what with coffee, red wine and if you smoke, you can expect to see a yellowish stain on your teeth. Here is a list of the various types of tooth discolouration.

Extrinsic Tooth Discolouration

This type of discolouration forms on the surface of the tooth enamel, and the following can cause your teeth to discolour:

  • Coffee
  • Red Wine
  • Soda
  • Tea
  • Tobacco of any sort
  • Dark skinned fruits

One can certainly reduce the risk of tooth discolouration by avoiding all of the above, and with regular brushing and flossing, your teeth will have less of a risk of discolouration. Fortunately, there are affordable teeth whitening in Brisbane from an established dental clinic, and using the latest laser treatment, you can have your teeth whitened to the desired shade. The treatment involves applying a special hydrogen peroxide gel on the teeth, then a laser UV light activates the gel, which removes stubborn stains.

Intrinsic Tooth Discolouration

Intrinsic discolouration comes from within the teeth, and while little is known regarding the causes, it can be very visible and most people will seek cosmetic dental treatment such as teeth whitening treatments. The following are known to be connected to intrinsic tooth discolouration:

  • Hereditary tooth discolouration
  • Overexposure to fluoride
  • Tooth infection
  • Using antibiotics at a young age

Genetics play an important role in the thickness and brightness of the enamel, which can affect the teeth color. Medical conditions, such as metabolic diseases, liver disease, calcium deficiency, celiac disease, rickets, and eating disorders can also discolor the teeth. 

Although not known to most people, taking antihistamines, antipsychotic or anti-schizophrenia drugs and antihypertensive drugs can also cause teeth discoloration. If you are prescribed some of these, you might want to mention them to your dentist the next time you visit.

In addition, chipping and falling can damage a tooth, harming the tooth’s enamel. These things can lead to tooth discoloration that usually affects children.

As tooth whitening only affects the surface of the tooth enamel, this treatment is not suitable for intrinsic discolouration, and the dentist would likely recommend dental veneers, which are very thin and can completely cover the front of a tooth, thus hiding the discolouration.

Age-Related Tooth Discolouration

As we get older, our teeth gradually become discoloured by normal wear and tear, as the tooth enamel becomes thinner, and for older patients, the dentist would recommend several treatments, which might include teeth whitening or dental veneers. There have been major technological advances in cosmetic dentistry over the past few years, and you might be pleasantly surprised at the range of treatments to whiten teeth and remove discolouration. There is a list of foods and drinks that discolour teeth, which is an interesting read.

Laser Teeth Whitening

Laser teeth whitening makes a perfect smile makeover.

More often than not, the dentist will recommend laser teeth whitening as a treatment for tooth discolouration, and the process is non-invasive, quick and very affordable. The dentist would first examine you, to ascertain whether laser teeth whitening is suitable, and if that is the case, the dentist would first give your teeth a professional clean, which improves the results.

Do note that some people may have slight sensitivity after the treatment. If you are one of those who may have sensitive teeth, avoid taking extremely cold or hot food or drinks 24 hours after the laser teeth whitening treatment and you’ll be good to go.

At Home Teeth Whitening Kit

Some dentists offer an at-home treatment, where you are supplied with customised trays and solution, with directions on how to use. The special gel that is used in much more powerful than the over-the-counter teeth whitening kits, and therefore, the results are much better. Many patients chose this method as it is both affordable and easy to apply, and should you wish to know more about treatments for tooth discolouration, an online search will help you to source a local clinic.

Other Teeth Whitening Home Remedies

You can also use hydrogen peroxide to whiten and deep clean your teeth naturally. Hydrogen peroxide consists of water and oxygen that acts as an active whitening agent. Many teeth whitening products have hydrogen peroxide so it’s safe to use at home as part of your daily dental hygiene routine.   


Whether your tooth discoloration is caused by food, medication, or health problem, you can rely on the different ways to whiten your teeth. Home teeth whitening and in-chair whitening treatments are available and the choice of treatment would also depend on your budget. Just make sure to consult a dental health professional to ensure safe and effective teeth whitening treatment.