Strengthen Your Hair The Natural And Ayurvedic Way

Our health certainly takes a beating in the scorching heat of summer. The high mercury levels coupled with intensive pollution takes a massive tool on each and every part of our body. Our hair and skin are also adversely affected owing to the heightened blaze of summer.

Given this scenario, it is extremely important that we find some elixir that will help protect our hair in the best way. Here we see that herbal hair oil can be the perfect solution of hair care problems in summer. This is because they have all the goodness of Ayurveda in the form of herbs.

While there are many hair oils that are present in the market, none of them are comparable to the goodness of Ayurvedic herbs in the form of the best herbal hair oil. From haridra to ashwagandha and even bhringaraj, these oils have all the benefits that are potent enough to give a fillip to the rapid growth of your lovely tresses. Hence, it is indeed prudent to check out these herbal oils at least once so that you can have a fair idea of how useful and beneficial these oils can be.

This article provides you with tips, guidelines, and suggestions that show you how to strengthen your hair in the most natural and Ayurvedic way. Here we extol the virtues of herbal hair oils that can help you get luscious locks in the easiest way. After reading this article, you will be in a much better position to understand and appreciate both the functionality and the beauty of these oils. This will definitely hold you in good stead when you want to restore the vigor and vitality of your lovely and silky hair. Read on to find out how you can strengthen your hair in the most natural and Ayurvedic way. This will definitely work wonders in giving you the kind of hair that you truly deserve.

The Power of Herbs

As mentioned before, there are a number of herbs that are available in the market. These include bhringaraj, haridra, ashwagandha, reetha, shikakai, and many more that are purely Ayurvedic ingredients. These help in nourishing your hair to never thought of before levels. This is the power of herbs.

In addition to this, there are more herbs too that are used in Ayurvedic herbal hair oils. These include Indian gooseberry also called amla, hibiscus also called japa pushpa, rosemary, eucalyptus, lemongrass, guarana, ginkgo biloba, safflower, peppermint, and oats.

This entire smorgasbord of herbs can definitely help in improving the nourishment of your hair. These herbs are completely absorbed in the hair strands and increase their strength and tenacity. Hence, it is indeed prudent if you start using herbal hair oils for lengthening your tresses to levels never seen before.

Now that we have given you an all-around view of the herbs that can help you regrow your hair, we now go on to provide you with an in-depth analysis of each one of them that can help you get a more comprehensive understanding of the same. So let us now proceed to discuss each one of these herbs in detail that will give you more information about each one of them.

1. Hibiscus

Hibiscus is also called as Japa pushpa or China Rose or even shoe flower. This flower is native to China and comes in various colors like red, yellow and white. It is used widely as an ornamental plant and the red variety is also used in medicine as well as cosmetics.

Recent research has shown that the leaves and flowers of the Hibiscus plant are extremely useful in promoting the growth of hair. As per Oriental traditions, Hibiscus leaves have always been used for the anti-greying properties that they possess. Hence, this herb is useful not only in India and China but all over the world.

2. Rosemary

Rosemary is another important herb that has been used since ancient times for promoting hair growth. It was mainly used as a rinse since ancient centuries. There are mainly two types of antioxidants that are found in rosemary. One of them is caffeic acid and the other one is rosmarinic acid.

Rosmarinic acid is used for reducing the loss of hair as it helps in increasing blood circulation and also promotes the growth of hair naturally. Rosemary is used for protecting against many disorders of the hair and scalp, for example, dandruff, and early baldness. This also makes it a regular component of hair conditioners and shampoos.

3. Gingko Biloba

Gingko Biloba is a plant that is also known to help in promoting the growth of hair. This is mainly because the extract of the plant helps in improving microcirculation that is often believed to the main factor that drives the hair follicles to produce more hair. This plant also has anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and antioxidant properties that also play a major role in stimulating hair from growing into long and silky tresses.

4. Lemongrass

Lemongrass is widely known as an herb for cooking but very few people know about its hair promoting properties. Recent studies have shown that lemongrass is useful in killing a fungus called Malassezia furfur that is actually an opportunistic yeast that causes dandruff. Hence, lemongrass extract is used as an ingredient in many herbal hair oils and shampoos as even levels as low as 2 % have been reported to have good antifungal properties against such bacteria and fungi.

5. Safflower

Safflower is also used as extensively for growth of hair. This is because recent research has suggested that safflower oil has hair growth-promoting genes. These include vascular endothelial growth factor and also keratinocyte growth factor. The extract of this flower also helps in suppressing the action of a hair-loss gene. This is why we can safely conclude that safflower is a useful ingredient that promotes hair growth.

6. Peppermint

Peppermint is also an herb that helps in improving the intensity of your hair growth. This is mainly used in the form of peppermint essential oil that can be applied to your hair. It gives a cooling and tingling sensation on your scalp. This promotes the growth of hair follicles and their depth too. Hence, it becomes essential for you to include this amazing herb in the hair oils of your choice.

From the above, it is clear that you can definitely strengthen your hair in the most natural and Ayurvedic way by making use of herbal hair oil products. So go out and grab your bottle of herbal hair oil today!