vegetables vegetarian food

Vegetarianism vs. Meat Eating Research: How to Write a Great Paper and Where to Take Info From

At times, students reach success in writing their assignments thanks to a good topic. They get enthusiastic about a topic they know and which is interesting for them and their anticipated audience. Thus, you can write a great paper on vegetarians vs. meat-eaters. It’s a hot topic and currently, there are lots of debates concerning this question.

When you write an academic paper for yourself, it’s required to follow certain rules. Discuss them with your advisor to avoid any complications in research paper writing. Afterward, learn the scheme to complete the task correctly.

You should complete the next stages:

  1. Choose a topic and research it.
  2. Consult specialists.
  3. Make a plan and refine data.
  4. Draft several copies.
  5. Review and revise.

We’ll highlight each point in turn.

Stage #1

Your first step is to select a good research paper topic. Vegetarianism vs. meat-eating is a pretty broad theme. Try to narrow it down and make it more specific. You can base your story on the main advantages and disadvantages of both methods. Thus, when we eat only vegetables and fruits we are less vulnerable to receiving cancer, cardiovascular illnesses, and diabetes of type II. In the meanwhile, many specialists claim that without meat we will suffer from insufficient energy because some vital elements are contained in meat.

Another good topic is to discuss the reasons why people switch to vegetarianism. If you select this topic, you should research it from different angles and find valid data. There are various sources of information and we’ll talk about them later in this guide.

What is important for this section is the usefulness of the found data. Use all available sources and get as many facts as possible. It’s essential because not all sources may fully meet your main question which covers statistics of two lifestyles. Also, you may study the results of one study that proves the positive effects of a diet based on vegetables and fruits. Use only verified sources!

Stage #2

The next step is to consult a specialist in this field. Find a certificated and qualified nutritionist and interview him/her on the peculiarities of your topic. Ask about the reasons some people stick to a vegetarian diet. Afterward, use them in your research.

The common reasons are:

  • Great love for animals;
  • Healthier elements;
  • Low level of receiving multiple diseases and health deviations;
  • A less harmful composition;
  • A dislike of the way meat tastes;
  • Intolerance of meat by the system;
  • Strengthening of the body;
  • A cheaper cost of fruits and vegetables;
  • Natural composition without any harmful substances;
  • Some religious beliefs;
  • A possibility to put off weight;
  • A possibility to protect the body from weight gain;
  • Cleansing of the body and avoidance of cholesterol, etc.

As you can see, there are lots of factors and reasons. You can develop a great plot sticking to these facts. A specialist will clarify each in detail.

Stage #3

After you choose the topic and find the necessary information, write a plan. It’s a nice organizational method. Add major stages of your project, which are the introduction, the main plot, and the conclusion. However, you should include some sub-stages, such as time preliminary research, gathering facts, structuring and scheduling the working process, etc.

Try to predict how long every stage will take to be accomplished. Afterward, make a reasonable schedule that cannot be violated. Devote time for every stage and if you feel that you run out of time, rework the plan.

Stage #4

Drafting should not be omitted. Remember this for good and follow this rule. If you skip it, you risk making many mistakes. This inevitably leads to a loss of essential grades. Write a draft but better more. Thus, you’ll get more dependable results and will spot more potential mistakes.

Stage #5

Revise your copies and the final version to avoid unnecessary mistakes. Always write several drafts, reread them a couple of times and improve weak points. Do your revisions in different ways. This enhances the possibility to detect errors and weak parts.

Sources of Information

It’s important to support your thesis with good examples. Therefore, you should find some good supporting materials.

There are the following kinds of informative sources:

  1. Printed. This category may include a lot of variations. These are books, encyclopedias, periodical journals, articles, manuals, textbooks, and so on. This is the oldest source of knowledge. Oftentimes, the printed version is the only way to find the required information.
  2. Non-printed. Another category has no relation to the printed variants. You can find a lot of audio and video materials. These may be audio lectures and courses, video lessons and workshops. You may find the necessary facts from watching special TV shows, etc.
  3. Electronic sources. Finally, you should consider the option of electronic data. The potential of the Internet is almost immeasurable. You can get access to virtual libraries of famous universities and colleges. Besides, you can find a lot of information posted on the private pages of certificated doctors and scientists. Surf the Internet and find catalogs dedicated to your topic. Evaluate the usefulness of the data and use only the most suitable materials to support your thesis.

Always verify the sources you intend to use. Make sure they are officially confirmed and can be trusted.