Stretching Exercises That Promotes Flexibility

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Flexibility is an important aspect of health, it is quite surprising how it is being overlooked by very many people all across the world. It brings a wide range of physical health benefits including building strength and stability to your spine and joints making them easier to move around. It allows your body and limbs to bend at a greater distance. For this to happen, you need to include regular flexibility stretches as part of your lifestyle. Working out alone without stretching will not cut it. Here are 4 stretching exercises that promote flexibility.

1. The super stretch

This is a well-known stretch exercise, it is incorporated in most of all stretch workout routines. It targets your back, spine, waist, and knees. To practice it: Stand tall and straight with both your soles firmly on the ground; raise both your arms up high and lean behind just a little; now, reach out behind as far as you can. When doing this stretch exercise, you should feel the stretch coming from your lower spine just above the waist. It usually leaves a refreshed feeling.

2. The wall stretches

The wall stretch is yet another excellent flexibility stretch exercise. It extends the spine, thereby making it more flexible. To practice it: Stand with your back against a straight wall. Get up on your tiptoes and reach with your hands as far high as you can. Make sure your back is flat against the wall at all times. Remain in that position for at least 5 seconds.

3. The yoga standing hamstring stretch

Some specific yoga poses are also very effective flexibility stretch exercises. The article on explains how specific yoga asanas can help to open up channels for energy to flow freely. This will only be efficiently achieved if your body is flexible enough on all parts. The yoga standing hamstring stretch is an effective stretch exercise targeting the hamstrings. When the hamstrings are not exercised regularly, they get stressed easily and may tighten up leaving you in excruciating pain to the point you need a Kinesio Tape Roll. This exercise is aimed to make the hamstring more flexible. To practice it: Stand upright with your feet parallel and about 6 inches away from each other. Put your arms on the side and bend your knees slightly. Bend forward with your neck and head relaxed. Now, move your arms to the front and reach out to your toes. Remain in that position for at least 15 seconds, you should feel your hamstrings relieving and stretching out. In some yoga classes, some people can stay in that stretching position for even up to 7 minutes.

yoga exercise health

4. The hip circle

This is one of stretching warm-up moves and it is crucial for the body before any routine. It loosens up the back, hip, and core making workouts and other stretch exercises easier done. It improves flexibility up to the core of your body which is involved in almost every muscle movement. To practice it: Stand with your feet wide apart, knees bent slightly and hands on your hips. Move your hips round in clockwise or anti-clockwise direction. Do this for about 30 seconds and then repeat in the opposite direction.

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Flexibility is the most underrated and yet a vital factor in health and fitness. Lack of information and know-how of specific flexibility routine stretch exercises are one of the major reasons it is being overlooked. The right stretches done at least 3 times a week will get rid of all body stiffness and reduce any chances of you ever getting anybody or muscle pains.