brazillian butt lift - butt peach pink

Am I Too Old to Undergo a Brazilian Butt Lift?

Older women want to look and feel good just as much as younger women do but many people still wonder whether they’re just too old for certain procedures.

Cosmetic surgery is viewed very differently to how it once was and today, older adults account for a much larger percentage of patients. Whether you are starting to date again or you simply want to feel more confident, cosmetic surgery is an option at any age.

Brazilian Butt Lifts and Age

The key to being a good candidate for a procedure such as a Brazilian butt lift is to be in good health.

If you’ve been worried about whether you’re too old for this procedure, a study by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons showed that nearly 20% of all Brazilian butt lift patients are 55 or older.

The fact that procedures such as butt lifts, breast augmentation, and liposuction are most popular amongst people who are older than 55 is quite surprising to most people.

Another good example of a cosmetic surgery that is more popular amongst people over the age of 50 is the facelift.

Does My Age Increase the Risk of Complications?

Contrary to popular belief, age does not increase your risk of complications after cosmetic surgery.

According to the Aesthetic Surgery Journal, when compared to younger patients, older patients did not experience more complications during or after cosmetic surgery.

Here is what you should consider before you start searching for Brazilian butt lift details.

Your Health

Your health matters far more than your age if you’re considering a Brazilian butt lift. Underlying conditions such as heart disease or diabetes will increase your surgical risks more than the date on your birth certificate.

Since older patients are more likely to have certain health conditions, it’s important to visit a doctor for a general check-up before you consider any major surgical procedures.

Your Lifestyle

Over and above your health, your lifestyle choices will also play a role in whether or not you’re deemed an ideal candidate for a Brazilian butt lift. Here are some of the factors to consider:

Smoking habits. If you are a smoker, it can compromise your healing process. The nicotine in cigarettes affects the health of your blood vessels, which means blood flow isn’t as efficient as it needs to be after a cosmetic procedure. In many cases, someone over the age of 65 who doesn’t smoke is actually a better candidate for cosmetic surgery than a 40-year old that does.

Alcohol consumption. Along with wreaking havoc on your skin, excess alcohol consumption can also increase your risk of developing complications after a Brazilian butt lift. If your drinking habits are within the normal range though, you simply need to refrain from drinking several days before and after your procedure for the best results.

Diet. A diet that is packed with essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals will work in your favour if you’re considering a surgical procedure. Diets that are high in saturated fats and sugars do place the patient at risk of surgical complications.